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Meet the first country to ban ChatGPT

Meet the first country to ban ChatGPT

The conclusion is that it allegedly collects users’ data and has no means of verifying users’ age.

Italy has become the first country in the world to ban the use of chatbot artificial intelligence chatbot prototypes, according to a report released this Friday by the European country’s independent administrative authority, the Guarantee for Personal Data Protection (GPDP).

The text mentions that they have blocked this tool, developed by US company OpenAI, presumably because of illegal collection of personal data and lack of age verification systems.

From Gpdp, there is a lack of information for users and all interested parties whose data is collected by OpenAI, and above all, there is no legal basis justifying its collection and high storage. Training methods based on site performance.

In this sense, remember that on March 20 the popular chatbot suffered a data leak from information related to the collection of conversations and paid service subscribers created with users.

“Totally inadequate” responses

Although the service is aimed at people over 13 years of age, they decry that there is no filter to verify the age of users. and self-awareness.”

For this reason, the company has ordered OpenAI to temporarily limit the processing of Italian user data with immediate effect, launched an investigation into the matter and recommended that people stop using the chatbot until it respects current privacy regulations.

Additionally, the California-based company has been given 20 days to report on steps to correct these problems under penalty of up to $21.7 million or 4% of its turnover. Annual comprehensive

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