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Venezuela admitted by US immigration program: “It was too fast”


Caracas.- The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on October 23 that from Four Venezuelans Beneficiaries of the new immigration scheme. is in the first group Stephanie VillaroyalThree days after applying, he got the approval.

Last Saturday, October 22nd, the Venezuelan entered the United States from Mexico and was greeted by his sister who appeared as his supporter. “It was very fast, it only took three days and I got my travel authorization on the third day,” the Venezuelan said in an interview. Voice of America.

Upon arrival in Miami, Florida, the process flowed quickly at the airport, where he was briefly questioned by immigration agents, Villaroyal said. Currently, she is staying with her sister in Orlando, where she hopes to resume work. “I feel very grateful With this country that opened its doors to me,” said the Venezuelan.

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According to the Department of Homeland Security, the first four people to fly to the United States were Venezuelans Mexico (two), Guatemala (one) and Peru (one). More are expected to arrive in the coming days, according to US officials.

“I felt a lot of nerves, a lot of uncertainty (…) the process had just started and I didn’t know how it would be. When I landed, my nerves increased, but they treated me well in immigration (…) Reuniting with the family was special,” said Villaroyal. explained.

Venezuelans who wish to apply for the new program must have a sponsor who agrees to fund their basic expenses while staying in the United States, have not entered the United States, Mexico or Panama irregularly and do not hold dual citizenship or permanent residency in another country. .

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With information from Voice of America.

Editorial The PitazoSee_2

Editorial The PitazoSee_2

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