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Baltic states ask Berlin Panther to send 2 tanks to Ukraine “now” | Europe | T.W.

Baltic states ask Berlin Panther to send 2 tanks to Ukraine “now” |  Europe |  T.W.

The foreign ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on Saturday (01.21.2023) urged Germany to deliver 2 Panther heavy tanks to Ukraine “now” to stop the advance of Russian troops. A day after the issue was discussed at a meeting of Ukrainian allies in Ramstein, Berlin refused to send the advanced armored vehicles.

“We, the Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian foreign ministers, now call on Germany to hand over the Panther tanks to Ukraine,” Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Ringevics wrote on Twitter. “It is necessary to stop Russian aggression, help Ukraine and quickly restore peace in Europe,” Rinkewicz said, recalling that “Germany has a certain responsibility as the leading European power.”

The joint statement, a rare piece of criticism from one of the region’s biggest powers, increases pressure on not only Ukraine, but also Nordic countries and Poland, to provide Berlin with its Leopard 2 tanks. Fighting the Russian invaders. On Friday, Ukraine’s allies announced an increase in military aid, at a meeting where Germany was expected to finally send armored vehicles.

“Send in the tanks”

US Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, is in Kew on a visit where he urged both the US and Germany to send armor to Ukraine. “To the Germans: send tanks to Ukraine because you need them. It is in your national interest that Putin is defeated in Ukraine,” he said.

And he said: “To the Biden administration: send in American tanks so others will follow your lead.” U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley said Ukraine could take tactical action to liberate “as much territory as possible” with allied munitions at Ramstein, including a significant number of armored vehicles and artillery.

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DZC (dpa, AFP)