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The spear is a powerful weapon used by the Ukrainians against Russian tanks

The spear is a powerful weapon used by the Ukrainians against Russian tanks
Ukrainian soldiers with spears in hand / AFP photo

The Pentagon says Russia is “increasingly frustrated” by the Ukrainian military’s strong opposition. More weapons for the country. This is not the first time that a modern anti-tank missile, known as a javelin, has been launched several weeks ago.

US Secretary of State Anthony BlingenAnnounced more military aid to Ukraine this Saturday $ 350 million (310 million euros)To support Kiev against the Russian invasion.

“This assistance will include more defensive military assets that will help Ukraine counter the armor, air and other threats it faces today,” Blinken said in a statement.

Spear Specifications

Sent in late January, USA 300 spear With nearly 80 tons of security assistance or weapons.

These are anti-tank missiles that can be carried and launched by one person, according to the manufacturer’s review. Radion missiles and defenseIt is classified as a small weapon.

“It can be used day, night and in any weather. The project also shows that the spear can be fired from a remote launcher mounted on an unmanned vehicle.

According to the manufacturer, the weapon is available to US forces, such as the Marine Corps or the military, and is scheduled for production by 2050. It was also used in dozens of conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

“(It) has a medium range of use in a wide range of targets, including armored vehicles, bunkers or caves,” they noted on their website.

It is known that more than 50 thousand darts were created.

For its part, Lockheed Martin, one of the U.S. military agencies, praised the weapon because it allows it to fire missiles and “automatically guide them towards the target, hiding the gunmen and avoiding counter-attack.”

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Military assistance

In addition to the aforementioned missiles, light weapons, ammunition and bulletproof vests for fighters, the new ship sent by the United States will arrive in Ukraine.

The Pentagon estimates that Russia has concentrated its forces in the north, east and south of Ukraine since it launched its offensive early Thursday morning.More than 150,000 soldiers are equipped with heavy tanks, bombs and missiles) Moscow is not progressing as fast as expected.

“We continue to see signs of a possible Ukrainian opposition,” a source added to AFP. “We believe that the Russians have become increasingly frustrated with the loss of momentum over the past 24 hours, especially in northern Ukraine.”

“Ukraine’s air defense, including its aircraft, is in operation and is fighting and blocking access to Russian aircraft in certain parts of the country,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, the Russian government has called for talks. Such a proposal was echoed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky, who said on Sunday that his country was ready to talk with Russia, but rejected that talks would be in Belarus.

“Warsaw, Bratislava, Budapest, Istanbul, Baku. We propose any of these,” the president promised.

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