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The pinscher dog was seized from the leader of the Clan del Golfo who was imprisoned in Colombia

The pinscher dog was seized from the leader of the Clan del Golfo who was imprisoned in Colombia

“Alex Simanka” is a trusted man of the exiled leader of the Gulf clan named “Odoniel”.

Alexander Alberto Simanca Cabrera confiscated his pet in an operation in Patio 32 of the Bigalena Prison in Ibaqu, where he has been detained for months.

“Simanka”, who was a confidant of the exiled leader of the Gulf clan, “Odoniel”, had a pinscher dog at his disposal with which the supposed leader of the Gulf clan lived behind bars.

The man, who has been sentenced to 48 years in prison, will serve his sentence inside the Ibaku Prison and Correctional Centre. How the dog got to jail is still a mystery.

Several guards said that it might have been hijacked with the connivance of some security personnel. It is not known how long he was with her. The person has been caught since 2022.

in Cartagena

On Sunday, July 13, 2009, Alexander Simanca was surprised around 9:00 a.m. while hanging out with his family and friends in front of Castillogrande Beach. At that time he was charged with extortion and aggravated conspiracy to commit a crime before Special Prosecutor's Office No. 1 was requested by a court order.

At the time, Chimanca, released from Auc's “Héroes de los Montes de la María” block, was one of the 18 most wanted criminals in Bolivar. Official reports indicate that Alex Simanca was released in 2016, after which he joined the ranks of the Clan del Golfo with a profile already marked for drug trafficking.

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