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The lower house of the United States Congress gives an ultimatum to TikTok

The lower house of the United States Congress gives an ultimatum to TikTok

The fight against social networks America Continue and TikTok Unless it reverses course, its days in the North American country seem numbered. Last Saturday, April 20, the House of Representatives of Congress ruled on what the Chinese social network must do to continue operating in the country.

The Low camera The social network's parent company approved the move TikTok Do not sell this site, otherwise it will be banned in this country. With this law, ByteDance, a company based in China and the owner of the APP, has an ultimatum to disconnect itself from the app.

The Congress representatives They gave the Chinese company nine months to sell its TikTok stake, which could be extended by a year, or else the platform would be banned in the US, potentially losing millions of dollars in sponsorships. Subscribers.

According to local media outlet NBC News, US lawmakers argue that the site poses a threat to US national security due to the potential for the Chinese government to access user data.

The US intelligence community has already accused China of using TikTok to influence the 2022 mid-term elections and has warned that it may also try to interfere in the presidential elections next November. The measure passed the Senate with the support of President Joe Biden.

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