July 27, 2024

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The Ecuadorian parliament will send Alex Chap’s case to lawyers in five countries

The Ecuadorian parliament will send Alex Chap’s case to lawyers in five countries
Alex Chap's trial, scheduled for January, has been postponed
Federico PARRA / AFP

Oversight Commission of the National Assembly (Parliament) Ecuador Alex Saab, the businessman who is said to be a leading figure in Nicolas Maduro, will send the investigation of the corruption case to the prosecuting offices of the five countries.

The Parliamentary Commission on Monday approved a report linking Chappa to an alleged fictitious export case made between Ecuador and Ecuador. Venezuela In the past, through a compensation system called “SUCRE”.

The Commissioners approved the report and announced that it would send its contents to attorneys in the United States, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador.

Fictional sap functions

The findings of the Audit Commission report indicate that Ecuadorian companies involved in the business with SAAP “Folklocons” were created with the sole purpose of creating imaginary functions.

He noted that many companies involved had stayed in countries such as Spain, Colombia, the Netherlands and the United States, and had benefited even though they were not part of the Bolivarian Alliance of People of America (ALBA). SUCRE “system ..

“Most business transactions made under the SUCRE system are imaginary and exaggerated.” They set up an alleged tool to commit crimes such as “illegal enrichment, embezzlement, tax evasion”, among other things, the commission said in its report.

According to the Parliamentary Commission, the Ecuadorian Customs Commission certified that most construction material exporters never engaged in business activities and only simulated international transactions.

Another fact reveals the economic contribution made by Saab’s wife, Michel Lehrer, to the Allianza Pies movement in 2013, led by former President Rafael Correa (2007-2017), who was close to the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

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The recommendations include examining funding for Corismo’s 2013 presidential election campaign by the National Electoral Council of Ecuador (CNE), and determining the responsibilities of the Ecuadorian Attorney’s Office on corporate oversight responsibilities between 2010 and 2014.

Alvaro Pulito’s name was also mentioned in the report due to his relationship with Saab, which is currently awaiting trial in the United States after being deported from Cape Verde.

Pulito was identified by U.S. authorities as involved in drug trafficking activities and charged in a prosecution by Ecuadorian magistrates against “folklore”.

The company was founded in 2011 and was a partner of Saab and Colombian Pulitzer in connection with the commercialization of $ 465 million of prefabricated homes never built in the Venezuelan region.

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