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Aspirin can stop breast cancer

Aspirin can stop breast cancer

A study conducted by the Christie NHS Foundation in Manchester, United Kingdom last August suggests that acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin may be more effective in treating serious cases of breast cancer and preventing progression to death.

British scientists are examining the positive effects of this commonly used drug and testing whether their test results can be replicated in humans with breast cancer. According to researchers, they believe it can help prevent serious breast cancer by creating tumors that are difficult to treat with cancer drugs.

Its properties, rather than the analgesic effect, are used to combat this type of tumor, which has a much lower incidence of breast cancer, but is often more aggressive in young women and black women. Its properties prevent some drugs like Herceptin from working because they do not contain receptors like other types of cancer.

According to project leader Anne Armstrong, the drug, if completely safe, would be more effective because it is cheaper to produce. “We hope that our experiment, combined with immunotherapy, can increase its effects on aspirin and ultimately provide a new, safer way to treat breast cancer,” he said.

Sensitivity to immune therapy

The panel of experts adds that possible treatment with aspirin could improve the response to drugs, as well as sensitivity to cancer immunotherapy. They believe it can work if combined with avocado immunotherapy, and if successful they will begin further clinical trials for women with the disease.

In this regard, Ricardo Leone, Physician, Researcher and Director of Laboratory Health, Environment and Venezuela (Osimavan) Social Impact, who specializes in internal medicine, said, “Aspirin is effective in delaying metastasis, regardless of cancer, in the pathophysiology of metastasis physiology. The novelty is that it is now being used for breast cancer.

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Aspirin values ​​make it a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that acts as an antiplatelet agent to replenish the body’s immune response, preventing the progression of inflammation. In the case of metastatic symptoms, he pointed out that the most dangerous complications of cancer are going positively against the attempt of cancer cells to climb into new cells.

Emphasized that the invasion of damaged cells stimulates the immune system in an exaggerated manner, the inflammatory layer in the platelet aggregation, creates hyper-inflammation, and precisely aspirin works effectively in this aspect.

An expert who communicates via Instagram on various health issues such as @drricardointernista and Twitter @ RicardoInterni1, he asserted that one of the many properties of aspirin that helps against inflammation is “a feature we see within internal medicine” that even some patients may have doubts about the benefits of avoiding death caused by breast cancer. .


An earlier study by national health organizations in the United States indicated that acetylsalicylic acid may also reduce the risk of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Research shows that drug use is associated with a slight reduction in this type of cancer.

About 75% of breast cancers are estrogen positive, meaning that cancer cells contain receptors for the female hormone estrogen, which helps cancer cells to grow. Drugs used so far work to inhibit the action of estrogen, so aspirin reduces the risk of breast cancer because it blocks the enzyme cyclooxygenase.

World Wars

Every October 19, 1983, the International Day Against Breast Cancer has been celebrated to raise awareness and encourage more women to receive controls, diagnoses, and timely and effective treatment. The Pan American Health Organization estimates that breast cancer is 25.4% higher among women, and that about 100,000 women die of breast cancer each year in the region. To prevent this cancer, Dr. Ricardo Leon recommended that exercise be done periodically, avoiding fatty and processed foods, consuming vegetables, consuming plenty of water and fluids, as well as self-examination and annual checkups. In addition to exclusive and prolonged breastfeeding.

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Source: Dayanira Naya