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The British government apologized to Queen Elizabeth II

The British government apologized to Queen Elizabeth II

The UK government on Friday apologized to Queen Elizabeth II for celebrating the two parties’ night before the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral. Boris Johnson.

According to Daily telegram, The two celebrations converged on Downing Street on April 16, 2021, when indoor meetings between those who did not live together were banned. The next day, Queen Elizabeth II sat alone at her husband’s funeral; One of the hallmarks of the Govt-19 epidemic.

A Downing Street spokesman confirmed that former government spokesman James Slack had delivered a “farewell speech” when he left his post to start working for the newspaper. The sun. He thanked all his colleagues for their work, some of whom “work from home.”

Initially, Downing Street avoided answering other questions, but after a few hours it ended with an apology, but especially at Buckingham Palace. Therefore, the BBC reports that she considers it “very unfortunate” that banquets were organized “at a time of national mourning” for the death of Queen Elizabeth’s husband.

For its part, Slag apologized “uncertainly” in a statement for “anger and damage.” “It simply came to our notice then. I deeply regret and accept full responsibility, “he said in a statement The sun.

Sue Gray, the second permanent secretary of the Department of Standardization, Housing and Communities, who is leading the investigation into the parties in Downing Street, said he was “shocked” by the new information this Friday. Withholding information. », According to a recent release The Times.

As the English media has reported, several ministers have urged Johnson to leave No. 10 for “badly” serving as prime minister, while three other ministers have called for the resignation of Chief of Staff Dan Rosenfield.

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In addition, the newspaper promises that the Prime Minister’s official photographer took pictures of the party, in which many drinkers are seen with bottles of wine in their hands, journalist Steven Swinford said on his official Twitter profile.

The newspaper also reported that Boris Johnson had encouraged officials to keep the parties “quiet” in the face of the epidemic, despite restrictions imposed by the epidemic. Glass.

Resignation petitions

Johnson had already apologized on Wednesday for attending another party in May 2020, but pressure mounted around him as several party comrades around him had already openly asked him to step down. Opposition parties have also demanded responsibility.

Labor’s number two, Angela Rainer, questioned Downing Street’s behavior, and a few hours after Prince Philip’s funeral, “the queen was seated alone”, “shocked” to see the last banquet that took place in the light. “And this is” sacrifice “, respecting health measures.

Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats, points out that “when he (Elizabeth II) was in mourning, they had a party at No. 10 (Downing Street).” “The Queen sitting alone (…) is one of the films that defines imprisonment,” he added.

According to the latest releases The Independent, Johnson would have devised a plan, baptized ‘Operation Save the Dog’ and decided on redundancies to celebrate the holiday. Apparently the list will include CEO Don Rosefield and his personal secretary Martin Reynolds.

An unnamed former minister has told the English media that an “in-depth study” of the 10th issue is necessary and that it is “an essential requirement for turning repentance into action.”

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Likewise, the plan is to think of a survey that will determine the competition of potential candidates who will reject Johnson’s leadership, and a series of mentors, who could better conduct ministerial interviews before and after the trial.

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