July 27, 2024

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Most Americans fear the “collapse” of democracy

Most Americans fear the “collapse” of democracy
Biden drug trafficking
Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP leader Joe Biden’s popularity has plummeted in recent months.

Most Americans see political instability as the biggest threat to the United States, according to a poll released Wednesday that confirms the country’s split a year after the attack on the Capitol.

According to a Quinnipiac University survey, 76% of respondents believe that political instability is the most serious threat to the country; Compared with 19%, foreigners are quoted as hostile To us.

Most concerned were Democrats or sympathizers (83%, Republicans 66%) and those aged 18 to 34 (80%).

The decline of democracy

In addition, 58% of those who received counseling feared the “collapse” of democracy, while 37% felt it was sufficient to overcome the divisions of society. American.

Democrat President Joe Biden, who promised to “compromise” the country after his predecessor Republican Donald Trump’s mandate on January 20, 2021, seems to have failed in his race.

53% of Americans believe these splits will worsen in the future, while only 15% predict progress.

“The fear of an internal enemy rather than a foreign threat underscores the bitter perception of Americans of dangerous democracy and deep political divisions,” said Tim Malloy of the University of Quinnibia.

Study of Americans

The study was conducted with a sample of 1,313 American adults.

These were discussed from January 7 to 10 (with a margin error of 2.7 percentage points), other studies confirm.

As early as January, two-thirds of Americans estimated that the January 6, 2021 attack on a congressional seat by Donald Trump supporters was “a sign of increasing political violence.”

According to a CBS News poll, a year later, American democracy is still “under threat.”

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However, 44% of those surveyed by Quinnipiac underestimate Capital’s storm.

And he believes “we have to go for something else”. In August 2021 it was 38%.

Fiden’s popularity plummeted

This poll shows a sharp decline in Joe Biden’s popularity among the general public.

While it was 36% in November, it received only 33% positive feedback.

Gov. 19, his policy in the struggle against economic or foreign policy was not accepted by the majority of voters.

49% of those surveyed say their government’s policy divides the country and 42% want to unite it.

Congressmen also received unfavorable comments: 62% for Republicans and 59% for Democrats.

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