July 27, 2024

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Mexican people vote in the sequel to Lopez Obrador

Mexican people vote in the sequel to Lopez Obrador
Lopez Obrador
AFP photo

This Sunday, Mexicans will decide whether Andres Manuel Lபpez Obrador will step down as president or end his term in 2024, the first recall vote in the country’s history, which is expected to inspire a left-wing president.

After voting a few steps from the Presidential Palace, Lopez Obrador told reporters, “Let no one forget that the people rule, the people are put in and the people are taken away.

AMLO, as it is known by the initials of his name, was able to consult the Constitution in 2019 as an alternative medicine for “bad governments”.

“It’s going to help us so that no one at any level feels perfect,” the six-year-old elected ruler said this Sunday.

Voting begins at 8:00 pm (1:00 pm GMT) and ends at 6:00 pm (11:00 pm GMT) local time in most parts of the country with a population of 126 million and three time zones.

Dozens of people lined up at the polls before the polls began, the AFP found, although analysts still find it difficult to reach the turnout: 37 million voters (40% of those eligible to vote).

That fact alone would recognize the country’s first left-wing president, with 68 years of age and 58% approval, according to a consolidated survey by Aracules. There is no compulsory voting in Mexico.

“AMLO, you’re not alone!” Mention some of the billboards displayed in Mexico City, where, like the rest of the country, there is no campaign environment.

“Finish and go!” And “empty ballot boxes!”, Opposition politicians and users calling for a referendum are responding on their behalf on social media, accusing the referendum of being a mere “campaign” act.

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AFP photo

With an eye on 2024

Benigno Casca, a 57-year-old mathematician and musician, believes the referendum is “an opportunity to change the wrong.” “Once elected by the people, there are presidents who serve other interests,” he told the AFP.

But Laura Gonzalez, a 62-year-old retired teacher, believes it was “a futile exercise, a waste of money.” “If it was his people who arranged the consultation, let them go,” he told the AFP.

Advice on Electoral Matters Integralia estimates that an average of 14.8% of voters cast ballots. “A majority is expected in favor of Lopez Obrador staying in office,” he said in a statement.

Lopez accused Obrador National Electoral Commission (INE) In order to sabotage the referendum (he calls the opposition) with the complicity of the “conservatives”, he announced a reform for which its members and members of the Electoral Court were elected by popular vote, not by the House of Representatives.

The fact that the INE has not fulfilled its obligation to spread the referendum is deliberately wrong, and this Sunday the leader of the organization Lorenzo Cordova condemned the “use of public resources” by the ruling party to promote the consultation.

INE established 57,500 polling stations against 161,000 in a federal election.

Political analyst Martha Anoya estimates that the president could use the referendum program to air some plans and launch the ruling Morena Party’s mechanism for the 2024 presidential election, without much risk of leaving power.

Integralia points out that “this will be a parameter for assessing the aggregation capacity of the official party.”

There is no presidential re-election or extension of the mandate in the country, however, Lopez Obrador has said he will retire from politics in 2024.

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The horizon of challenges

In the nearly three years remaining in his tenure, his “change” plan faces a number of challenges, such as the use of reforms in the electricity sector approved by the Supreme Court this week against the will of the United States, Canada and the United States. Spain., And the opposition PRI, PAN and PRD.

The new structure, which AMLO hopes to strengthen with constitutional reform, places more emphasis on state power generation.

The government coalition – the main force in Congress – however, has not collected enough votes to change the constitution and is being forced to negotiate, leaving some challenges ahead.

Lopez Obrador adopted policies such as social programs and a minimum wage improvement ($ 265 per month), allocating $ 23,000 million (6.4% of the budget) this year.

“You’re living a little better despite the epidemic, especially in the social sector, and corruption has been greatly reduced,” said Herlinda Eskamilla, a 75-year-old antiques dealer who benefits from a subsidy for the elderly.

According to Goneval, a public body that evaluates social policy, 44% of Mexicans live in poverty, which is one of the evils that AMLO has promised to fight corruption.

The president’s challenges include continued criminal violence, which has killed about 340,000 people since 2006, and the economy plagued by the Covid-19s, which fell 8.4% in 2020, rose 5% in 2021, and will grow only 3.4% this year. .

Annual inflation is at a two-decade high (7.3% in February).

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