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Latin American election panorama for 2022: Countries electing new leaders amid leftist progress in the region

Latin American election panorama for 2022: Countries electing new leaders amid leftist progress in the region

In 2022, many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean will return to the polls to elect presidents, members of Congress and representatives to various public office-bearers who will take part in the referendum amid the long-running COVID-19 epidemic and new fears. Omigron variant.

In 2021, citizens participated in elections in many countries in the region, despite some restrictions in place due to the corona virus and the removal of most of them.

Presidential elections were held in Ecuador, Peru, Honduras and Chile. The banker was elected by the people of Ecuador in a referendum on April 11 Guillermo Lasso As its agent; In the remaining three countries The winners are left-wing candidates: The Peruvians chose Pedro Castillo, For Hondurans Siomara Castro Zelaya and Chile Gabriel Borick.

Legislative elections were held in these four countries and in El Salvador. The Salvadorans renewed all seats in the legislature, with the majority remaining in the New Ideas Party, led by President Naib Bukele.

In Ecuador, the 137-seat parliament was further split – a faction deepening – and Lasso’s cryo movement did not win 12 seats; While in Peru, Castillo’s Peruvian Libre party won 37 of the 130 seats in Congress. In Chile, the House of Representatives was completely renewed and 27 of the 50 senators were elected; The lower house was left with a majority of MPs from the left, while the upper house was split, with 25 legislators left and center-left and the same number of right and center-right.

In Mexico, so-called federal elections were held, which saw the renewal of more than 20,000 popularly elected positions across the Mexican nation, including representatives of the National Congress, governors, and 30 local congresses and municipal presidencies.

Bolivia and Venezuela held regional elections; Municipal elections were held in Paraguay. Other than that, the Cilians They chose May to the 155 members of the Constituent Assembly who are responsible for drafting the country’s new constitution, following the victory of the option of “recognition” in the 2020 national referendum and leading to the constitutional process.

Costa Rica

In 2022, the first to vote will be the Costa Ricans and they will do so in the February 6 general election, in which they will be elected The new president, two vice presidents and 57 legislators.

If no presidential candidate receives at least 40% of the valid votes, there will be a second round on April 3.

Immediate re-election is not possible in this Central American country, so the current president, Carlos Alvarado, cannot be a candidate. For its political organization, the Citizen Action Party (PAC) will seek the presidency for the next four years. Welmer Ramos GonzalezHe is currently the Deputy Minister of Economy, Industry and Commerce between 2014 and 2017.

With the exception of Ramos, the country of more than 5 million people has 24 candidates – including four undefeated candidates. Candidates for the presidency have already begun their election campaign in October and according to the main Polls, University of Costa Rica (UCR) Center for Research and Political Studies (CIEP), although not enough to win the first round, have the greatest chances of success:

  • Jose Maria Figueroa, National Liberation Party (PLN).
  • Lynette Saborio, Christian Social Solidarity Party (PUSC).
  • Fabricio AlvaradoThe new Republican who lost to Alvarado in 2018.
  • Jose Maria Villalda, Of the broad front.
  • Rodrigo Chavez, Democratic social progress.


The Colombian people will first hold a referendum on March 13, when the election will take place Congress needs to update both of them. The Senate will elect its 108 legislators; The House of Representatives will have 188 representatives, 16 more than its current 172 members.

As part of a peace agreement signed in 2016 by the Colombian government with Colombia’s defunct Revolutionary Armed Forces, those 16 new locations will be occupied by victims of the armed conflict.

Then, on May 19, the Colombians were invited Elect the new president and vice president of the country. To win that day, the presidential formula must receive half and one of the total valid votes, otherwise the vote will take place on June 19 between the two candidates who voted the most.

Currently, there are 40 candidates replacing Ivan Duque. However, that number will be reduced, as in the March 13 Assembly elections, Colombians will participate in popular, internal or intra-party consultations of political parties and movements to select their presidential candidates; Some may or may not have been selected by other means already considered in Colombian terms.

This time, according to opinion polls, Invamar’s last one was delivered and released in December Blue radio, The most desirable candidates for the presidency of Colombia are leftists Gustavo Pedro (42.1% prefer to vote), former mayor of Medellin Sergio Fazardo (18.9%), former mayor of Bukharamanga Rodolfo Hernandez (13.8%) and the ruling Democratic Central Party candidate in fourth place, Oscar Ivan Zuluka (12.7%).


In Brazil, October 2nd Mega elections will take place, In which the President, the Vice-President, the new representatives of the National Congress, the Governors and Vice-Governors, the State Legislatures and the Federal District Legislature shall be elected.

To win the presidency in the first round, it is necessary to get one vote along with half of the valid votes; If no candidate is present, voting will take place on October 30.

Political parties have until August 15 to register their candidates. This time, the most vocal candidates are the president Jair Bolzano, Who will seek re-election, for which he joined the right-wing Liberal Party (PL); And former President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), from the Labor Party (PT), which has not yet confirmed the candidate.

They are too Sergio Moro, Former Minister of Justice and Public Defense of Polsanaro and former judge of Lava Jato, the largest anti-corruption campaign in Brazilian history presented by the right – wing Podemos party; Joao Toria, The current governor of the Social Democracy Party (PSDB) and Sவோo Paulo; Rodrigo Pacheco, Senator for the Social Democracy Party (PSD) and Minas Gerries; Former Vice Zero Gomes, From the Democratic Workers Party (PDT); Senator for Sergipe Alessandro Vieira (Citizenship); Senator of Mato Grosso del Sur Simon Debt (Brazilian Democratic Movement); Vice-Chancellor of Minas Gerais Andre Jones (Forward); Louis Philippe d’Villa (New); Y Leonardo Pericles (Popular Unity).

According to the election poll, Published In mid-December, according to the Institute of Intelligence’s Research and Consulting (IPEC, in Portuguese for short), Lula will receive 48% of the vote, giving the current president 21% and Moro 6%.


Haiti, which has been mired in political and social crisis for many years, has deepened Murder President Jovnell Moss is scheduled to go to the polls on July 7, 2022, after the re-election has been postponed.

After drawing up several election calendars, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) has set November 7 as the date for the first round. Presidential and Assembly elections, as well as the constitutional referendum.

The second phase of elections is scheduled for January 23, 2022, with municipal and local elections.

However, Prime Minister Ariel Henry fired nine members of the CEP and decided to postpone the election. Its completion date is not yet known but the official announced that they will take place in the first months of 2022.


Normal elections are scheduled for June 5, 2022 in the states of Aguascalientes, Durango, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Tamoulipas.

In these six states The governor election is coming. But in Durango, in addition, mayors, recipients and registrars will be elected; And in the local councils of Quintana Roo.


October 2, Peru Hold regional and municipal elections. Elected officers will hold office for the period 2023-2026.

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From 2018, regional mayors and governors will not be able to stand for re-election.


In Chile, for its part, it is expected in the second half of the year The referendum is being held To determine whether the citizens accept the new constitution drawn up by the Constitutional Conference.

The conference was established last July and has a nine-month deadline of three months to draft a new constitution. Upon receipt of the text, the public will be invited to a referendum, which will be held within 60 days of the proposal being submitted.

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