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How to lower blood pressure without medication

How to lower blood pressure without medication

The high blood pressure (One high blood pressure) is a condition that can occur Serious health problems.

Among other things, it significantly increases the risk of suffering heart disease, Paralysis Y Kidney diseases.

In the title, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 46% of adults with high blood pressure do not know it Those affected by it; Only when One in five adults with high blood pressure can control it problem.

Knowing whether we are susceptible – or not – is very important to controlling high blood pressure. Photo: Shutterstock

What is high blood pressure and what causes it

The blood pressure This is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries, which are the large vessels that carry blood throughout the body. A person is assumed to exist High blood pressure is when your blood pressure is highWHO explains.

When we talk about blood pressure we refer to Two values. The first Systolic blood pressure and corresponds to the moment when the heart contracts or beats.

Second, the Diastolic pressureRefers to the pressure exerted on the vessels when the heart rests between beats.

set up Diagnosis of high blood pressure It is necessary to measure the pressure on two different days. In both measurements, systolic pressure should be greater than (or equal to) 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure should be greater than (or equal to) 90 mmHg.

There are Different factors By this a person is aged danger People suffering from high blood pressure. These include obesity, anxiety, depression, diabetes, excessive salt intake, alcohol and cigarette use, and family history.

There are various factors that put a person at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure.  Photo: Shutterstock.
There are various factors that put a person at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure. Photo: Shutterstock.

How to lower high blood pressure without medication

to achieve Controls high blood pressure Taking medication is not always necessary. In this sense, create Healthy habits It can help prevent, delay or reduce related diseases.

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Let’s take a look at these healthy habits one by one.

1- Maintain a healthy weight

Blood pressure often increases when you gain weight. Being overweight or obese can also cause shortness of breath during sleep (sleep apnea), which further increases blood pressure.

Reducing body fat levels is one of the most effective lifestyle changes for controlling blood pressure and other diseases because it allows blood to flow more freely through the blood vessels.

2-Exercise regularly

That’s important Exercise to prevent high blood pressure. The recommended thing is at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. The severity depends on each person’s age and conditions: you should always consult your doctor.

Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or dancing are some aerobic exercises that can lower blood pressure.

Regular exercise is very important to control blood pressure.  Photo Shutterstock.
Regular exercise is very important to control blood pressure. Photo Shutterstock.

3-Eat healthy food

Better to have a takeaway Healthy nutrition Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and low saturated fat and cholesterol. It helps in reducing high blood pressure.

The Hydration It is also important to include water in the diet.

Ideally, eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy.  Photo: Shutterstock
Ideally, eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. Photo: Shutterstock

4-Reduce or avoid salt intake

Searching is important Low-sodium foods and beverages To avoid pressure build-up. In fact, the smaller the amount of processed foods, the better.

It is also very comfortable Avoid adding salt to food. Instead, herbs or spices can be used to flavor the food.

5-Don’t smoke and drink less alcohol

Take more alcohol It can raise your blood pressure by several points. It can also reduce the effectiveness of medications.

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Quit smoking It can reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall health.

Not smoking and reducing alcohol consumption are healthy habits.  Photo: Shutterstock.
Not smoking and reducing alcohol consumption are healthy habits. Photo: Shutterstock.

6- Rest well

Sleep well Helps at night Regulates stress levels As a result it lowers blood pressure.

7-Check the pressure frequently

Controlling blood pressure with a tensiometer is very important to know how the condition is.

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