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“Cuba’s injury against imperialism”: Havana condemns Twitter’s “total manipulation” of destructive means to destabilize the island

“Cuba’s injury against imperialism”: Havana condemns Twitter’s “total manipulation” of destructive means to destabilize the island


14 November 2021 00:35 GMT

According to the Cuban Foreign Minister, most of the “toxic content” posted on social networking sites with anti-government labels is created in North America.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parila condemned the Twitter algorithm for “crude manipulation” this Saturday, creating the impression that a large number of Internet users on the island are posting messages on the platform. Government of Cuba.

“Twitter is growing Total handling According to its instructions, Cuba is in a position to create the impression that there are a large number of users with anti-government sentiments in Cuba, ”the foreign minister tweeted.

His comments come after a label began to spread on social networks, calling it people Opposition march Next November 15, the country will not reopen and its economy has not been approved for a resumption date.

“The Evil and Interference of Imperialism”

According to the Cuban Foreign Minister, the evidence is limited 15% From 12:00 to 13:00 on Friday the messages published with the label “Used in the US Funding Act” were provided by users located on the island.

In this case, the Chancellor He pointed out Most of the “toxic contents” used by the label originate in the North American country, while in other parts of the world “its spread is rare.” “There is no doubt about the evil nature and interference of Cuba against imperialism,” he wrote.

“As I condemned in the pre-presentation of Diplomatic Forces, private American sites like Twitter Changed [sus] Own rules and policies, Change geolocation algorithms favorably Toxic activities Against Cuba and inciting instability, “said Rodrguez Perilla.

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Speaking to RT, Yarina Amoroso, president of the Digital Law Society of the National Judicial Association of Cuba, confirmed that “Cuba has been unleashed.” A strong media campaign and a fourth generation war“It uses communication technologies to create an image that has a different Cuba.”

“There is a handling of algorithms from the United States and, in particular, from a company based in California. We know they are manageable By the people who work on these technologies, ”he said.

At the same time, against the label, the hashtags #Cubavive, #Cuba; #NoMasBloqueo and #LaRazonEsNuestroEscudo condemned the situation on the social networking site and began to receive pro-Cuban messages from around the world.