July 27, 2024

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Chile rejected the proposal for a new constitution with a 62.2% majority

Chile rejected the proposal for a new constitution with a 62.2% majority
Chile Referendum

Chile this Sunday rejected a proposal for a new constitution by 62.2% and decided to maintain the current text derived from the dictatorship, according to 72.2% of the votes.

There are no winners or losers today. There are Chileans who need to be reunited,” said the head of the “Rejection” campaign. Claudia Salinas.

The option to adopt a new Magna Carta, which included new social rights, was supported by only 37.8% of voters.

Once the trend was confirmed in the polls, dozens of people began to celebrate, especially in the capital’s wealthier neighborhoods, where rejectionism won by more than 10 points.

A gap similar to that of Valparaíso, which accounted for half of the more than 15 million people called to vote today, along with the metropolitan areas of Santiago de Chile and Viña del Mar.

In the first analysis of the results, the chairman Free Democratic Union (UDI), the conservative force, Javier Macaya, assured the press, “It completely surpassed the traditional situation of the right against the left. That is the reason why common sense has won today.”

In the same vein, Fidel Espinoza, a senator from the Socialist Party in the southern part of Los Lagos, criticized the conservatives and called them to take responsibility for what he called “failure”.

“Let the ordinary people take responsibility for this failure. They made a constitution out of hatred and desperation”, Indian.

“They wanted to go all out and leave us with nothing. They will go down in history. We even told him Gabriel Boric Months ago. They ignored us,” he added.

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The next day

In the full survey, local press revealed that Chile’s President Gabriel Boric has invited the leaders of all political parties to a meeting this Monday at the Palacio de la Moneda to examine the results.

With just 25% of the votes counted, the news comes amid predictions that victory is being handed to supporters of the option to reject a new constitution that would keep the current constitution written during Augusto Pinochet’s 1980 dictatorship. , in force (1973–1990) and partially reformed in democracy.

After voting this morning in his hometown of Bunda Arena, Boric, one of the promoters of the new constitution, said he would call on parties and civil society to continue the constitutional process regardless of the outcome.

“I can guarantee that our will and action, regardless of the outcome, will call for a broad national unity from all sectors, all social organizations, civil society and political parties. This process can continue.” emphasized.

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