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Autonomous: Who is the most wanted and powerful drug trafficker in Colombia, Diro Antonio Asuka?

Autonomous: Who is the most wanted and powerful drug trafficker in Colombia, Diro Antonio Asuka?
  • Draft
  • BBC News World

Image source, Reuters


There are more than a hundred legal actions against Tyro Antonio Suka David.

Dyro Antonio Asuka David, Otoniel, had two prices: the US government paid $ 5 million for information on Colombia and his capture, $ 800,000.

Despite this, Colombia’s most coveted drug lord, the leader of a powerful Gulf clan, ended this Saturday after nearly a decade of intense search.

Ottoniel, 50, was detained in the municipality of Nicocle in northwestern Colombia. A joint operation in which more than 300 players participated The Army, Air Force and National Police were evacuated in more than twenty helicopters.

“This is the hardest blow given to drug trafficking in our country in this century. This blow is comparable to the fall of Pablo Escobar In the 90s, “Colombian President Evan Duke celebrated this news.

In 2015, Colombian authorities launched an operation to seize Otonyla, which involved about 1,200 troops from the country’s best-prepared elite groups, more than 500 who were watching Escobar at the time.

Image source, Reuters


A major security measure was required to capture Otonyl.

Alias The most feared drug trafficker in the autonomous worldThe killer of guards, soldiers, community leaders, juvenile recruiters, “said Duke.

As for the Gulf clan, Colombian Defense Minister Diego Molano said this Saturday has become the “biggest threat” in recent years because “Colombia managed and exposed large quantities of tons of coca shipped to markets in the US and Europe”.

History of Violence

The life of Ottoniel is seen as an accumulation of geographical layers from the history of violence in Colombia in recent decades.

He was born in Antigua in the early 70s and at the age of 16 he joined the Popular Liberation Army (EPL) guerrilla movement where he became inactive with his brother.

Then his brother Juan de Dioscuca David, “Giovanni”, Joined FARC Then, like a 180 degree twist, To the paramilitary forces of the Colombian United Self-Defense Forces.

The group was mobilized (laid down arms) in 2005, but the brothers joined the ranks of Daniel Randon Herrera, the drug lord known as “Don Mario”.

Image source, Getty Images


The capture of Don Mario left the David brothers, who were the leaders of the Clan del Golfo.[ooloshermanosÚsugaDavidalfrentedelClandelGolfo[oaloshermanosÚsugaDavidalfrentedelClandelGolfo

When he was arrested in 2009, Ottoniel and Giovanni were in charge of the organization.

Autonomy Became the final leader when his brother was killed BOligia MyAction During the attack on the “Narco-Party” on January 1, 2012 at the end of the year.

From family to poster

Considered a large cartel, the Clan del Colpo was originally called Euraphenos, after the Urabe region where it operates, and its tents extend beyond many parts of the country (members of the group are Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Spain and Honduras).

At its center is a family clan, the Suka, Belonging not only to Ottoniel and Giovanni, but also to many relatives and other close relatives.

Image source, Getty Images


Colombian police distributed leaflets from helicopters asking citizens to help catch the leaders of Glan del Golbo.

The person responsible for the finances of the group is the partner of Otonyal., Blanca Xenopia Madrid Benjamia, “La Flacca”, captured in 2015.

Police have identified who was responsible for liaising with Mexican cartels and coordinating drug trafficking to Central America, and in 2015 the arrest of Harrison Asuka, “Pedro Arias”, son-in-law of Ottoniel and El Negro Charlie, was arrested.

Last August, the Colombian government authorized the extradition of ‘El Flacco’, also known as Alexander Montoya Asuka, a relative of O’Donnell’s captured in Honduras in 2012.

U.S. Department of Justice Gulf Clan “One of the most important transnational organized crime organizations“It simply came to our notice then.

On the other hand, since the days when they were known as the Urabeños, the Clan del Golfo has been distributing leaflets calling themselves Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia, which the Colombian press considers a ploy to cover up their real intentions.

Permanent evasion

Strong family ties, as well as his firm establishment in a part of Colombia, they know very well, were some of the reasons why it was so difficult for the authorities to capture the Ottomans.

Image source, Reuters


Ottoniel’s arrest required the joint participation of various state security forces.

Associated with his family’s close relationship with Eurasia.

They are natives of the area, which is well known to the clan members.

How they should handle their land and have power over their people.

But Ottonial also had various tricks to avoid his followers.

Was among them Use trained Creole dogs to warn you when a stranger approaches, Enough time to escape.

Image source, EPA


The government of Ivan Duke likened the arrest of Ottoniel to Pablo Escobar.

In one of those escapes, he had to leave one of those animals, a nice Colombian hound.

Police took him away, gave him the name Otto, trained him and used him in Operation 2015 to search for his ex-boss.

In addition, according to the Colombian press, Autonial Do not use technology devices such as cell phones To avoid being monitored, he sent voice messages with his company members distributed on recorders and USB sticks by human emails.

The fear of being caught led him to change the place where he usually spent his nights, usually in the woods and often, in wooden huts.

Those rural homes are completely different from big screen TVs, expensive drinks and fancy perfumes.

Another unique feature of their caves is the expensive special cushions that help ease the discomfort of the herniated disc.

Now that he is in custody, it is unclear whether he can force the authorities to allow him to sleep on such a mattress in prison.

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