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The vote to withdraw Lopez Obrador’s order has been closed

The vote to withdraw Lopez Obrador’s order has been closed
Vote to withdraw Lopez Obrador's order ends Note Photo - Internet

Polling stations were closed this Sunday, the election day of the vote to withdraw the decree of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and no incidents have been reported.

In central Mexico, 57,448 polling stations, which received voters from 6:00 pm (11:00 pm GMT) to 8:00 am (GMT 1:00 pm), were closed with low turnout.

The turnout was expected to be low, and everything shows that the turnout was low.

The National Electoral Commission (INE) will not release the data until the preliminary results are released. The president of the company, Lorenzo Cordova, explained that in some parts of the country the number of participants is high and in others it is very low.

Cordoba explained that 99.96% of ballot boxes (tables) were installed in Mexico City at 11:30 (16:30 GMT) local time. They got voters, and 80% of them did not have to resort to alternatives.

“If we take a bird’s eye view and compare it to the progress of previous federal election days, that day is already today, so let’s list it, certainly a successful day,” Cordova told a news conference after noon.

The exercise, which the president describes as “historic”, comes amid criticism from the opposition, who see it as a permanent campaign to mobilize their bases.

The referendum ends with a vote to withdraw Lopez Obrador’s order

The process sparked fierce clashes between the president and his party, the National Reconstruction Movement (Morena, left), and the electoral tribunal of the judicial power of the INE and the federation.

According to INE data, more than 92.82 million Mexicans over the age of 18 were invited to vote this Sunday.

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The move to repeal the opposition order, which recommended not to participate in the vote, would be considered valid or restrictive if 40% of those registered on the nominal voter list participate. That is about 37 million people.

If the turnout is close to 40%, it’s considered a success for Lopez O’Brien. Which will further legitimize his political plans for the remainder of his term until 2024; If it is less than 30%, it will cause a severe setback for the president.

The question on the ballot is: “Do you agree that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the United States of Mexico, withdrew his decree due to distrust, or will remain President until the end of his term?” Her period? “.

He also has these response options: “His decree should be revoked due to loss of confidence” or “his continuation as President of the Republic.”

They estimate between 9:00 pm (Monday 2:00 GMT) and 10:00 pm (Monday morning 3:00 GMT), INE will provide initial results.

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