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Zhelensky in support of the talks between Russia and Ukraine in Jerusalem

Zhelensky in support of the talks between Russia and Ukraine in Jerusalem
Zhelensky in support of the talks between Russia and Ukraine in Jerusalem
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky has promised not to succumb to Russian provocations.

Local Israeli media reported today that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky has proposed to Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett to hold talks between Russia and Ukraine in Jerusalem.

The Ukrainian president acknowledged that he had given the advice to the Israeli head of state at a conference, according to the Haaretz newspaper, after local media had promised that Zhelensky had presented the plan to the Israeli president weeks earlier.

Zelensky today stressed that he welcomes Israeli mediation efforts, following reports by a senior Ukrainian official in the Israeli media that Bennett had pressured the Ukrainian leader to comply with Putin’s demands.

“I have a positive view of anyone who mediates, but I do not consider” Bennett “anyone because” Israel is a country with a rich history and it can play an important role, “he promised.

He said he hoped Israel could help secure security guarantees for Ukraine and hoped Bennett would exert appropriate influence in the talks with Russia.

Israel is one of the few countries in the international arena that currently maintains relations with both Kiev and Russia due to its close ties.

However, Israeli officials acknowledge that he has been accused of being soft on Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and that the country “maintains a” measured “position towards Moscow for its security interests in the Middle East.”

Russia, with its military presence in Syria, allows Israel to launch attacks against pro-Iranian militant positions, which the Jewish state considers a priority for its strategic position.

Last Saturday, Bennett was the first international leader to be personally welcomed by Putin, who held a three-hour meeting in Moscow with him to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

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Nevertheless, as the Ukrainian ambassador to Israel acknowledged yesterday, the Israeli president has not made significant progress in his efforts to mediate the ceasefire. UkraineRussian attacks intensify.

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholes have vowed that Putin has no intention of “stopping the war” for now, denouncing the Russian president for “disrespecting his duties” and warning that they plan to apply. More sanctions against Russia compared to sanctions against Iran.

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