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“What we see here is murder”: Snowden says “If we want to liberate the world, we must liberate Assange”

“What we see here is murder”: Snowden says “If we want to liberate the world, we must liberate Assange”


23 October 2021 12:04 GMT

Before the Belmarsh Court, politicians, activists and journalists sought the White House’s intervention in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism. They also condemned the political persecution of the founder of WikiLeaks.

In London, the so-calledTribunal de Belmarsh ‘, A popular process of urging the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and condemning the United States for war crimes.

Various public figures, including politicians, activists and journalists They condemned There’s one Political persecution against Assange.

“What we see here is murder. It goes without comment,” Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the CIA and the US National Security Agency (NSA), told the court. “Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing.

Talking about things like this would include anyone of the same type as “political criminal” Assange, who has been accused of “violating the wrong choice of wrongdoer”.

“If we want to liberate the world, we must liberate Assange.”Snowden was the last speaker on the process, which lasted more than two and a half hours.

Other whistleblowers, including Annie Mason (former MI5 officer) and Daniel Ellsberg (known as the “Pentagon Papers” leaked), also addressed the court. Also among the special speakers were four Labor representatives and the former President of Ecuador, Rafael Korea.

The event was organized by the Progressive International and was addressed by Srego Harvard, co-founder of the European political movement DiEM25, a Croatian philosopher, and former Greek finance minister Yannis Verofakis.

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