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What are the requirements and how to be a sponsor for humanitarian parole in the US? | USA | USA | Trends | uses

What are the requirements and how to be a sponsor for humanitarian parole in the US?  |  USA |  USA |  Trends |  uses

In this 2023, many people left their countries America To start the path to a better future for themselves and their families in search of the ‘American Dream’. However, a large number of these people later want to take their relatives to America, and there is a procedure for this.Humanitarian Parole’You can apply to be a sponsor in the state where you live in the US and bring a close relative with you. Continue reading for more information.

Requirements for humanitarian parole in the United States

In order to initiate the Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) process, interested parties must have a valid passport and be willing to request the participation of a person on humanitarian parole, other than a sponsor in the United States. .

In addition, the sponsor must demonstrate that they have the financial means to sustain their stay for two years. USCIS announced the option for immigrants and parolees who have entered the country to apply for work authorization online through Form I-765.

How can I become a sponsor?

Those interested in becoming sponsors must have US citizenship or permanent residency (green card). In addition, they must pass a public and national security background and security investigation, and another check on human trafficking and exploitation.

It should be noted that an individual can sponsor more than one alien through separate Forms I-134, and cases where multiple individuals are sponsors of an individual are also permitted.

  • American citizen
  • Legal permanent resident of the United States
  • A nonimmigrant with legal status
  • An asylee, refugee or person on parole
  • Holder of Temporary Protected Status (TPS).
  • DACA recipient.
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How to Apply for Humanitarian Parole in USA?

Individuals wishing to apply for humanitarian parole must meet a series of requirements, which we describe here:

  • Be citizens of Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela or Haiti.
  • Being outside the United States.
  • Hold a valid and current passport for international travel.
  • Have a sponsor with legal status in the United States that demonstrates they have the ability to provide financial assistance and any other type of support the parolee may need.
  • Pay for your airfare to the US.
  • Compliance with vaccination requirements and other public health requirements set by the US government.


  • Have permanent residence or refugee status or dual citizenship in any other country.
  • Have been ordered removed from the United States within the previous five years or are subject to an inadmissible ban based on a prior removal order.
  • You have irregularly crossed the border into the United States, Mexico, or Panama after January 5, 2023.

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