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They recognize the credentials of Maduro’s representative as Venezuela’s ambassador to the UN.

They recognize the credentials of Maduro’s representative as Venezuela’s ambassador to the UN.
Reign of Samuel Mongota
AFP photo

Vin General Committee He-she-it The government on Monday approved a resolution confirming the credentials received this year by member states, including ambassadors appointed by the government of Nicolas Maduro.

This text is usually merely formal, during the full session of the 193-member body of the United Nations.

Although nearly 60 governments have recognized opposition leader Juan Quito as caretaker president, Maduro’s representatives have always been Venezuela’s delegates to the UN before the crisis in Venezuela.

Although the resolution was ratified, Colombia, speaking on behalf of the other 14 nations, insisted that “this should not be construed as an implicit recognition of Nicolas Maduro or his delegates to this House.”

Colombia also expressed the views of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, El Salvador, the United States, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Israel, Paraguay, the United Kingdom and South Korea.


Venezuela’s ambassador to the UN, Samuel Moncada, who announced himself as “interim president” in 2019, noted that Juan Quito no longer had the initial support that some governments had given him.

“In 2019, 60 countries supported the US-created colonial slavery to plunder Venezuela. Today, at the UN General Assembly, only 16 of the 193 countries refused to recognize President Maduro.

“We thank the member states of this legislature for accepting our credentials by rejecting the colonial occupations against our country and recognizing the will of our people,” he said. Moncota At the UN General Assembly.

The resolution, tabled by Anne Enstrom, Sweden’s ambassador to the UN and chair of the General Assembly’s Certification Committee, confirmed the postponement of a decision on the Taliban’s recognition as head of the Afghan government. Of the Myanmar Military Governing Council.

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