July 27, 2024

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These are Putin’s demands for an end to the invasion of Ukraine

These are Putin’s demands for an end to the invasion of Ukraine
Putin demands recognition of Crimea and militarization of Ukraine to end the war
Putin demands recognition of Crimea and militarization of Ukraine to end the war

Russian President, Vladimir PutinOn Monday, he called on his French envoy, Emmanuel Macron, to recognize Crimea as a Russian territory and to militarize Ukraine as conditions for ending the war in that country.

Putin called for the recognition of Russian sovereignty over Crimea and the militarization of the Ukrainian state and the promise of a “denunciation” and its neutrality as preconditions for resolving the conflict, Putin said in a statement after a telephone conversation with the Kremlin. Between the two leaders.

The Russian president stressed that resolving the conflict is possible only if there are legitimate security interests Russia According to the Kremlin, they were taken into account unconditionally.

“The Russian side is open to talks with the Ukrainian delegation and hopes that they will lead to the expected results,” the Russian president assured.

Macron and Putin refer to the talks between Kiev and Moscow in Belarus on Monday.

Before they could begin, the Kremlin said it did not want to “announce” its position and called for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and the withdrawal of Russian troops.

Negotiations took place in the face of opposition from the Ukrainian military to the Russian offensive that began on February 24. The Russian economy has also been hit by a series of sanctions as a result of the invasion.

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