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A document shows that the father of Chilean candidate Jose Antonio Castin joined the Nazi party

A document shows that the father of Chilean candidate Jose Antonio Castin joined the Nazi party

The Federal Archive of Germany confirmed the authenticity of this finding. Although he did not confirm that he was the candidate’s father, his name, date and place of birth coincided with Michael Castin’s information.

Disclosure of the dated document September 1, 1942 Michael Cast, the father of right-wing candidate Jose Antonio Cast, joined the Nazi party at the age of 18, while Adolf Hitler’s factions faced the Soviet Union. The origin of this file teases the atmosphere a few days before the second election round in Chile, in which the left-wing Gabriel will be the candidate for the war on December 19th.

Initially, the discovery was published last week on social media by journalist Mauricio Weibel Barona. The news caused a great deal of controversy when the leader of the Republican Action Front denied that his father was part of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP, abbreviated German).

A few days later, the German state news channel Deutsche Welle (DW) confirmed the authenticity of the paper. In the last hours, the Associated Press (AP) gained access to the document and Reported That German officials Confirmed the presence of the identity card.

Although the German Federal Archive does not confirm that Michael Castle is the father of a Chilean politician in the document, his name, date and place of birth coincide with his father’s information.

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Volunteer registration

This is not the first time Jose Antonio Castin’s father has been involved in fascist rule. “Why do you use the adjective Nazi?” He asked in a TV interview in 2018. “When there is a war and there is a forced recruitment, there is no choice but to say ’17-year-old or 18-year-old’. I did not go because they conducted a military investigation and shot him the next day,” he insisted.

However, German historian Armin Nolson told the AP: “We have no example of forcing someone to join a party.”. In fact, joining the political movement is voluntary, although military service is compulsory. At the time, Nazism had 7.1 million members, or 10% of the population.

Thus, although Michael Castin’s involvement in human rights abuses is unknown, at least this finding confirms that he was in agreement with Nazi ideology.

A New Life in Chile

In 2015, Chilean journalist Javier Rebolledo published the book ‘A la sombra de los cuervos’, which analyzes the role of the public in Augusto Pinochet’s local dictatorship. Citing the memoirs of Michael Costin’s wife, the immigrant did not want to bow to Nazism, but Relied on by a sergeant.

According to the spokesman, the Germans would have won by the end of the war Fake Red Cross documents, But it was discovered during the ‘denunciation’ process in Germany. However, after he admitted to cheating, a lawyer took pity on him and burned his documents. For the current presidential candidate, the reporter took his mother’s memories out of context and distorted the facts.

Michael Cast Arrived in Chile in 1950 and settled in Payne, A city south of Santiago. He started in a casual tele stall and went on to open a chain of restaurants and a packaged food factory. He was able to obtain his citizenship when Congress nominated him in 1995 “The Best Spirit of Social Justice”, After building churches, schools and a youth center. He helped the employees of his company Chechnas Bavaria buy their houses.

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Repoldo says that under the socialist government of Salvador Allende, some left-wing insurgents threatened to rob the family of their business. The next day, after the coup, the young man Pedro Vargas, Known for organizing workers in the Bavarian region The kidnapper disappeared.

A brother of the current candidate, Christian Castin, would have been in charge of distributing food to the city police during those critical days, for only 16 years. Similarly, a testimony published by the AP states that when Vargas’ cousin came to him, Michael Cast refused to find the missing persons.

Polarized selection

The Latin American country is experiencing the most polarized elections in history for many. In fact, the appearance of this document worsens the situation: “It supports the presentation of the Borik campaign. The dichotomy between fascism and democracy“Said Jennifer Prible, an expert in Chilean politics at the University of Richmond.” To the extent that the cast seems to cover up an element of his family past, he supports that story, “he added.

Beyond his father’s Nazi involvement, Jose Antonio Cast already had public expressions in support of the past military dictatorship. While it is true that he condemned human rights abuses, he added: “If Pinochet were alive, he would vote for me.”. In fact, the Cast family is closely linked to the current government, with Miguel, the president’s brother, directing both ministries and the central bank during the military administration.

For now, with the Cost winning the first round, opinion polls are somewhat in favor of the left-wing candidate. Thus, after the social explosion that sparked the creation of a new constitution, Chile’s political leadership will leave the center and settle in one of two extremes. Meanwhile, the Republican Action Campaign Command has not yet commented on the Nazi document.

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