July 27, 2024

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“The worst is yet to come”

“The worst is yet to come”
Macron Putin
Photo: EFE

Russian President Vladimir Putin told his French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday Attack They pointed out that Ukraine is going as planned and that it will intensify if the country does not accept its conditions, including its militarization. proof’s Of Elysee.

The telephone conversation took place at Putin’s request, with the Russian leader warning that if the Ukrainians did not accept his terms in a political-diplomatic way, Russia would receive them through the military.

According to sources, Macron told him that he was making a big mistake and was looking for excuses and that his actions did not correspond to reality and could not justify his violence and the price his country would pay. Will end up under long-term isolation, weakness and economic sanctions.

According to the Russian leader, the French head of state separated from the telephone exchange, saying that “the worst is yet to come”, based on Putin’s determination and the accusation that Ukraine was the instigator of his action. Minsk peace agreements.

From Elysee, despite the tension over the subject of the talk, the conversation was open and the intention is to maintain communication in the future because both leaders “can say strong things without breaking the conversation.”

Macron again called for an end to Putin’s military offensive and called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky to guarantee the physical integrity of his relatives and all citizens of the country. Putin promised that civilians were not a military target.

The talks took place on the same day that new talks between Russia and Ukraine were scheduled in the Belarusian region of Brest.

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Putin promises that, according to French sources, the Ukrainians are committing war crimes and behaving like the Nazis, which is why he plans to go all the way until he can take the whole country under his control, even if he says he is open to talks. .

Despite the sanctions already imposed by the international community against Russia, France believes there is still room to tighten the siege on Russia with greater support, initiatives or new economic or diplomatic moves with those who can put pressure on Putin.

Following their bilateral talks, another conversation took place between Macron and Zhelensky, in which the French president explained the conditions of the Russian president and the Ukrainian president said they would not surrender.

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