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The UN has called on Cape Verde to end Alex Chapp’s arbitrary detention

The UN has called on Cape Verde to end Alex Chapp’s arbitrary detention

The United Nations has warned Cape Verde to end torture, arbitrary detention and rape of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, and call on the government to rule.

According to the Saab Security Council, this is a serious situation as the Cape Verde government has been exposed and presented to the international community as a rogue state and human rights abuser. Violations suspected of being serious and persistent.

An unprecedented letter to the government of Cape Verde was issued by the UN on July 19, 2021, in which a panel of independent experts expressed their warning about the fate of Ambassador Alex Chop at the hands of the African nation.

Illegal prevention, torture and cruelty

Suspicions of torture, inhumane and degrading conduct, arbitrary arrests and detentions, and other human rights violations appear in the file of Cape Verdean officials.

Alex Chop was arbitrarily arrested and executed by the United States in Cape Verde on June 12, 2020, within the framework of an illegal extradition procedure.

In this regard, the United Nations expresses its “deep concern over the arbitrary arrest, detention and extradition proceedings against Ambassador Saab”.

International Report

Alex Saab had to get rid of the abuses he had suffered and for Cape Verde they had no less than four UN Special Rapporteurs and a task force. . These UN systems:

Task force in arbitrary detention;
Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to enjoy the highest standards of physical and mental health;
Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Attorneys;
Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;
Special Rapporteur on the Negative Consequences of Torture on the Human Rights of Women, on the Negative Consequences of Unilateral Compulsory Measures in Enjoying Human Rights.
Intense, widespread and prolonged rape

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According to UN experts, “the situation of Cape Verde’s top officials violates the African nation’s obligation to respect and prolong the long-term violation of Cape Verde’s laws. Commitments to respect the most basic principles of human rights, the most fundamental principles of human rights.”

The United Nations, through a special procedure, has asked the Cape Verde government to explain the “arrest, detention and legal basis for the arrest of Ambassador Alex Chap Moran, including the correctness of the charges.” In the facts against him and in support of those allegations; Violation of judicial, consular guarantees and other practical guarantees; On allegations of torture and misconduct against Ambassador Saab; Violation of his right to physical integrity and alleged deterioration of his health to the authorities; Regarding the risk of torture if handed over; And Violation of Diplomatic Immunity by Ambassador Alex Chabin.

Silence in Cape Verde

The government of Cape Verde has remained silent, refusing to respond to diplomatic sabotage when human rights abuses cease, in line with what has become its standard means of dealing with international criticism for its handling of the Alex Chap affair.

Speaking anonymously, UN staff said, “In doing so, Cape Verde continues to be isolated from the international community in line with the usual withdrawal tactics used by most criminal and human rights violating states. In the absence of independent and impartial justice, in the face of an exceptionally serious situation, the human rights violations experienced by Alex Chop continue unpunished in Cape Verde. There is no excuse for Cape Verde. Henceforth, it cannot be said that no one in government knows. “

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Ordinary Cape Verdeans, unaware of the seriousness of the situation to this day, pay a high price for isolating their country in the international arena; Economic, political and, in terms of long-term reputation.

Jose Manuel Pinto Montero, Alex Saab’s leading lawyer in Cape Verde, said: Africa) and the United Nations. I urge the Cape Verdean authorities to release Alex Chap immediately and take responsibility.