July 27, 2024

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The judge probing Moyes’ murder in Haiti is withdrawing from the case

The judge probing Moyes’ murder in Haiti is withdrawing from the case
The uprising of assassinated President Jovnell Moyes begins
EFE / Jean Marc Hervé Abélard withdraws from Haitian presidential assassination trial

Judge Gary O’Reilly, who is in charge of investigating the assassination of Haitian President Jovnell Moyes, dropped his case this Friday on charges of “personal convenience.”

He noted in a letter that the decision of any magistrate to hear a case was “arbitrary” and that “we drop the case registered under 0764 / 20-21 in connection with the facts of the murder.” President Jovnell MoyesThis is for personal convenience.

Oélien denied the allegations in a statement to EFE amid mounting rumors that he was leaving the case.

Extension to continue research

Earlier in the day, Bernard Sineville, dean of the First Case Court, rejected a request for an extension to continue the proceedings before Gary Orlean.

Orlean took up the case in August following the resignation of his predecessor, Matthew Chanlet.

Some condemned the slow pace of the O’Reilly investigation.

Others, such as the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH), have accused his secretary of corruption.

In a letter sent by the RNDDH to the High Council of the Judiciary on January 18, citing witnesses and victims, the judge revealed that he had been bribed.

The purpose of the bribe is to free people and revoke arrest warrants and barriers to departure.

The judge asked for money to cancel the quotes

“As soon as he was appointed as a trial judge, Gary Orlean began contacting the people in question and asking them to pay up to $ 50,000 each for the cancellation of these summonses,” the organization said in a statement. Behavior of Magistrate Orlean.

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The Assassination De Moyes promised, according to investigations, by order of 26 mercenaries to enter the presidential residence on July 7.

They saw no opposition from security forces at the president’s residence.

There are dozens of prisoners in the case, including the mastermind of the operation, Haitian-American physician Christian Emmanuel Sanon.

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