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The judge ordered Diostato Cabello to be arrested if he came to Argentina

The judge ordered Diostato Cabello to be arrested if he came to Argentina
Diostato Cabello is an Argentine judge

Argentine Judge Maria Alejandro Kimenes has ordered the arrest of Diostato Capello, vice president of the United Socialist Party of Argentina, if he visits Argentina. This information was released by the media on March 12 Clarion.

This order has been issued due to the information indicating the arrival of the two numbers chavismo To the territory of Argentina, especially to the province of Jujuy.

Evidence revealed Clarion The alternative was decided Friday by a federal judge. This is within the framework of the case entitled “S2 11 Cr. 205 (AHK)”, before the request of the Federal Court for the Southern District of New York.

They also point out that the international arrest warrant for detention is for deportation purposes. This was stated in the warrant of the US Embassy.

The Argentine media consulted with the US embassy in that country. However, they did not want to comment.

“(Diosdado Cabello) is known to be leaving for the Republic of Argentina on approximately March 11, 2022, and he is reported to have entered the border via Jujuy,” the warrant states. This is according to the information provided by the sources Clarion.

However, there is no official word on Diostato Capello’s arrival in the country from the scheduled date.

Diosdado Cabello talks about Venezuelan oil

On Friday this week, Savista issued a statement to the media about the possibility of Venezuela selling oil to the United States.

“Venezuela has the oil that many people need, including the United States. But they have to pay for it, and they have to pay for it,” he said.

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In this sense, he added: “Commander Chavez, at the worst moment of relations with the United States, needs to remember that we sold him oil because there was a lot of criticism from all-knowing sectors.”

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