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Rick Scott calls on the governments of Venezuela and Cuba to withdraw from the US summit.

Rick Scott calls on the governments of Venezuela and Cuba to withdraw from the US summit.
Rick Scott is a mature man
Photo: AFP

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, President of the State of Florida, has called on President Joe Biden to exclude Cuba from its “illegal communist regime” from the US summit in Los Angeles, California in June. It also calls for the exclusion of Nicaragua and Venezuela.

In a recent letter to Biden, Scott told the US President that it was “extremely important” not to allow the appointment to “legalize tyrants in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua” and that the United States should “prevent” this. These “illegal regimes” are attending the summit.

The Republican legislator and former governor of Florida asserts that the leaders of the three countries, Miguel Diaz-Connell, Nicolas Maduro and Daniel Ortega, are “dictators who starve their own people, imprison political dissidents and suppress peaceful struggles.”

Otherwise, he insists, “we welcome these evil and illegal leaders” or their representatives, “harming the movements for freedom and democracy in these countries.”

He insists on a Democratic bid Invite Juan Quito to the SummitSpeaker of the National Assembly and Leader of the Opposition elected in 2015.

“President Guaidó is the legitimate leader of Venezuela and represents the interests of the Venezuelan people who want freedom, fed up with Maduro’s tyranny, oppression and genocide,” the senator stressed.

In A tweet in SpanishOn Tuesday, Scott urged the US president to “veto Diaz-Canel and his thugs” and promise that “these dictators can cry for whatever they want,” but they will not stop “fighting for democracy and ending their regimes.”

The United States, which responded to Cuba on Monday, has not yet sent out invitations to the US summit, accusing Havana of being excluded from preparations for the summit.

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Was contacted byReFaith, a spokesman for the White House’s National Security Council and the State Department, did not provide further details, saying “no invitation to the summit has been issued at this time.”

At a news conference, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez on Monday accused the United States of excluding Cuba from preparations for the summit and respectfully urged Washington to clarify whether his country would be invited.

He added that the United States was putting intense pressure on “many governments in the region” to oppose Havana’s exclusion.

Although the United States did not want to confirm this view on Monday, a senior U.S. official said in January that any “democratically elected” leader would be invited to the US IX summit.

The United States Summit is an annual event that brings together heads of state and heads of state of the American continent every three or four years. Cuba participated in two editions, Panama (2015) and Peru (2018).

This year it is scheduled to take place in Los Angeles on June 6-10, and will, among other things, focus on the US Declaration on Migration and Security, which works with partners across the region.

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