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Reveal videos of Colombian DJ’s boyfriend with bags and suitcases

Reveal videos of Colombian DJ’s boyfriend with bags and suitcases

Semana magazine got the exclusive item. From the person it was revealed that he was married and had three children.

The videos filmed on social networks, as the alleged murderer of Valentina Trespalácios, John Poulos, travels to different parts of the city in a rental car, are filled with gruesome footage seen by Semana en Colombia. These are the security cameras of the apartment and the building where the crime took place.

How John Poulos arrived in Bogotá from the United States on January 19, stayed in an apartment located in the north of the city, which he rented through application.

Cameras in the building’s lobby show Poulos entering the apartment around 8:00 p.m. and spending two hours visiting his future victim.

Valentina Trespalacios arrives with some suitcases, some bags, and a series of belongings that later turn out to be fundamental keys to the investigation.

She walks in cluttered with things, and as she answers her cell phone, Poulos opens the door. According to the security videos, it was around 11:00 p.m.

Around 11:00 p.m., on the same January 19, he arrived at the building where he allegedly murdered the woman with Valentina. It is noticeable in the pictures when both enter and stay at least an hour. They then go to 74th Street and meet some of DJ’s friends.

Last picture

Security cameras captured the couple’s entry and exit from the building.

However, on Saturday, January 21 at 10:00 p.m., the last picture of Valentina Trespalacios alive has not been released. The young woman walks out onto the eighth-floor porch, and cameras capture her waiting for John to go to the building’s reception desk to pick up an order.

John Poulos leaves the apartment, Valentina wearing only a brace, and when the woman’s killer calls the elevator, he gives her some advice. What is observed is that Poulos leaves through an address, while Valentina re-enters the apartment and is murdered, wrapped in a suitcase.

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A few hours later, at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 22, Poulos leaves the apartment and begins an act that draws the attention of investigators, who then attempt to hide evidence from the authorities.

After carrying the same items that Valentina brought into the apartment from her residence in the south of Bogotá, Poulos removed them with a routine that forced him to go to the parking lot three times; He then loaded them into the vehicle to hide them in a garbage container.

With a market cart, suitcase and inside, Valentina’s body. As the suitcase was too small to fully contain the victim, the female killer left Valentina’s head out and covered her with a gray blanket to avoid the gruesome scene, which was found next to the body and in the trash.

Cameras in the building recorded Poulos walking from the door of Apartment 802 to the parking lot and attempting to put the suitcase with the body in the trunk of the car.

Then, he went out and traveled more than eight kilometers, in which he found a place to dispose of Valentina.

Evidence disappears

The follow-up done by the researchers was on film. From the time he left the building on 102nd Street to the time he picked up a container in the town of Fontibon, security cameras captured the alleged slaying in his attempt to hide the evidence.

Poulos stopped, checked to see if it was empty, turned around, got out and picked up the suitcase, then a black box.

Later, Valentina’s boyfriend drove to 26th Street, delivered the vehicle to the same company she had rented it from, and decided to walk.

It was at that point that he decided to throw the victim’s cell phone in the trash to hide or distract the authorities. The security guy got the cell phone.

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Cameras at the El Dorado airport capture Poulos as he arrives at the gate around 6:00 p.m., passes through the terminal without any problems, submits his documents, and leaves the country for Panama. That’s the scapegoat for femicide.

The images are compelling. John Poulos appears in all of them. He is alone and therefore, he completes his criminal plan which ends with the murder of Valentina.

The videos will be filed against the foreign national on charges of aggravated femicide and concealment, alteration or destruction of material evidence.

Alleged misogyny can be hard to defend itself. It will be his word against his own image on a tour, and a brutal timeline left in hourly records.

Evidence collected by investigators will support preliminary investigations, which may lead to charges being accepted.


Semana also learned of images from security cameras at El Dorado International Airport, where Poulos had bypassed immigration controls and filters, hours before he murdered Valentina Trespalacios and left her body in a garbage container.

Poulos walks quietly through the El Dorado airport. Allow searches, pass through detectors, wear dark glasses and walk quietly through the corridors of the air terminal.

The alleged murders of the women through the access ramps to the boarding areas after buying a ticket to Panama City are the last known images of John Paulos and his escape plan in Colombian territory.

The True Story of John Poulos: He was married with three children, one of whom had cancer

The murder of young DJ Valentina Trespalacios shocked the entire country last Sunday, January 22, after her remains were found in a garbage container in the Versailles neighborhood located in the city of Fontibon.

“I have a bad opinion of that person because my daughter who was with him died a few hours ago. He is a bad person, heartless. I hope justice is served. He was the last person to see her alive, he didn’t have to hurt her, I know it was him.” Laura Hidalgo, mother of Valentina Trespalacios, told Semana.

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After being extradited from Panama and captured before fleeing to Turkey, some revelations were made this Thursday about the personal life the American led in his native United States: he is married and has three children.

Although it is not known how their relationship currently stands, the man accused of killing Valentina and his would-be wife experienced a complicated family situation a few years ago after one of their children was diagnosed with cancer.

Poulos collected several sums to pay for the boy’s expensive treatment. On the side of Victory of the Lamb, a religious foundation, the little boy battled a rare childhood disease.

“Jackson Poulos is a brave five-year-old boy who is currently battling stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of childhood cancer. Proceeds from this event will go to the Poulos family for financial assistance in their time of need.” , system. mentioned at the time.

The boy’s story made such a big media impact in the state of Wisconsin that Poulos and his family met privately with Paul Davis Ryan, the speaker of the North American House of Representatives.

Not much is known about what the wife of John Poulos will be because she has her personal social networks. However, she continues to maintain her married name and her last message on Twitter was based on childhood cancer awareness.

It should be remembered that the family of Valentina Trespalácios said several times that they knew the American had children, but they insisted that he was going to settle with the young woman in Colombia.

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