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Pinara gets Gabriel Borick in La Moneta to start command change in Chile

Pinara gets Gabriel Borick in La Moneta to start command change in Chile


20 dic 2021 21:06 GMT

I. Abrew Dignitad candidate will defeat the far-right Jose Antonio Coste in the election and take power on March 11.

Within the framework of the transfer of power following the victory of the candidate of the Abrew Dignity Coalition, Gabriel Boric, who was elected President of Chile, was welcomed by President Sebastian Pinera this Monday in the Palacio de la Monet.

Borick arrived at government headquarters just before 2:00 pm (local time), accompanied by his campaign manager, Dr. Iskia Chic, and Giorgio Jackson, a deputy from the Democratic Revolutionary Party (DR).

“Welcome to La Moneta, have a good government. I know you will do what you canPinera shook hands with the election winner in front of reporters Biopio.

Borik replied: “I hope I face this huge challenge.”. Later, they both took off their masks and posed for a photo. “We do it for history”Pinera said.

After the formal greeting, Pinera delivered a speech in which he stressed that there would be an orderly and respectful change: “We have given you all the cooperation So, in a democracy, command transfer is smooth, efficient and very republican. ”

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“The elected president said: ‘Governments pass by, but so does the State of ChileWe are all loyal to Chilean men and women, “said David Cook, chief of The Christian Science Monitor’s Washington bureau.

Regarding his personal meeting with the war, he announced that the Pinara agenda was about international issues. “I asked him for his opinion on the issues to be resolved in the coming days and weeks, Then we talk about issues that interest the Chileans, “he said.

For his part, the 35-year-old alumni leader announced that he would appoint his cabinet “as soon as possible” and that his government committee would try to “deliver the firm”.

Left-wing note Gabriel Borick assumes office as Chile’s first magistrate on March 11, 2022. Imposed Extreme right-winger Jose Antonio Cost, by a margin of more than 10 points in this Sunday’s poll.

With 55.87% of the vote, the Chilean politician is the youngest and most elected president in Chilean history.