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Pedro Castillo: “Some elected with 2,000 votes want to silence us and silence the will of the government elected by millions of people”

Pedro Castillo: “Some elected with 2,000 votes want to silence us and silence the will of the government elected by millions of people”


21 November 2021 02:10 GMT

The Peruvian president said he would continue his promise of “growth and industry in rural and urban areas.”

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo reaffirmed his commitment to “work hard” amid political turmoil and opposition pressure. This was clarified during this Saturday Speech Within the framework of the opening ceremony of the Renewable Energy Project in the district of Huambos in Cajamarca.

“What is happening in the country is interesting; if we want to reclaim the resources of the country, if we want to give great works to the country, Some elected in the 2,000 and 3,000 votes want to silence us. In Peru they want to silence the will of the government elected by millions of people. We are not going to be distracted by this, ”he said.

The President said he would continue his promise of “development and industry in villages and towns”. “The Political noise Many times it prevents people from knowing what we are doing. However, we continue to work because people have chosen us for it. We will continue to fight, ”he said.

Reiterating that his administration’s effort should be “for the people” and “the country comes first”, Castillo insisted that it should be. “Organize the house”, Refers to the need to focus on other areas of the national territory, despite the “problems in government”.

The President called on regional and national political forces to prioritize projects that meet the people’s urgent needs, such as education, health and drinking water. “A man from the countryside and people has come to work with the people”, He concluded.

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The head of state’s comments came after right-wing Avanza País legislator Patricia Chirinos. Will provide A. before Congress Vacancy movement Against the president, Castillo accused him of being “morally unfit” to hold office. However, Congress leader Maria del Carmen Alva confirmed that there were no plans in parliament to promote the removal of the president. Similarly, from other benches they also rejected Cyrinos’ attempt.