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G7 warns of repercussions if Russia invades Ukraine

G7 warns of repercussions if Russia invades Ukraine

Other items on the agenda are China and its activities and the Iran nuclear deal.

A group of seven economic powers on Sunday called on Russia to reduce its military presence near the border with Ukraine, warning that an invasion could have “massive consequences” and cause severe economic pain in Moscow.

The foreign ministers of the United States, Great Britain and other G7 countries, along with the head of the EU’s foreign ministry, issued a joint statement. Ukraine ”.

The G7 called on Russia to “slow down, pursue diplomatic channels and fulfill its international obligations in the transparency of military operations,” and praised Ukraine’s “control”.

“The use of any force to change borders is strictly prohibited by international law.

Russia must not doubt that military aggression against Ukraine will have far-reaching consequences and costly consequences, ”the statement said.

The movement of arms and troops from Russia to the border dominated the weekend talks between the G7 foreign ministers in the English city of Liverpool.

The United States and its allies fear it could be a precursor to an invasion, promising to impose tougher sanctions on Moscow if that happens.

Moscow has denied plans to invade Ukraine and Kiev has accused its own plans of aggression.

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, the conference’s host, said the G7 was “sending a powerful signal to our adversaries and allies.”

The United States and its allies have underestimated talks about a military response to protect Ukraine, and efforts to focus on tougher sanctions will hit the Russian economy harder than the people.

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In the United States, journalists asked President Joe Biden on Saturday about the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine, and he said the idea had never been considered.

Other items on the agenda for the meeting at the Liverpool Museum include China’s military visits to the Indo – Pacific region and the affected Iran nuclear deal.

The G7 countries are particularly concerned about China’s growing economic and technological dominance in developing countries.

As an alternative to the money coming from China, the G7 has launched an effort to “rebuild a better world” to finance large infrastructure projects in developing countries, which the West says often comes with linked strings.

Truss said the G7 was “concerned with China’s compulsory economic policy” and encouraged “trade with liberal democracies.”

That is why we are increasing our investment in low- and middle-income countries, ”he said.

However, the G7 does not yet have a unified position against China, as the US and Britain pursue tougher strategies than their other allies.

The group of seven includes Japan, Germany, France, the United States, Great Britain, Italy and Canada.

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