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“No right to join UN”: China lashes out at US over plunging body lamenting Taiwan’s absence

“No right to join UN”: China lashes out at US over plunging body lamenting Taiwan’s absence


27 October 2021 12:10 GMT

A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office in Beijing said the UN was an international body of sovereign nations and not a Taiwanese country.

Ma Xiaoguang, a spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office in Beijing, reiterated to reporters on Wednesday that Taiwan, as part of China, is certainly included by the Asian giant representation at the United Nations. Reports People’s Daily.

The senior official added that the UN is an intergovernmental body of sovereign nations and not Taiwan. “Taiwan is part of China. The People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government that represents all of China. Taiwan has no right to join the United Nations,” he was quoted as saying. Bloomberg A Xiaoguang.

The Chinese envoy’s comments came on the heels of US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen’s call on Tuesday for Taiwan to have more participation in the UN. “Taiwan is a fundamental partner and democratic success of the United States,” he wrote on Blinken on his Twitter account.

For its part, the Chinese state-run newspaper The Global Times reported on Wednesday Editorial In it, he denounced the statements of a senior US official as undermining the one-China policy. Similarly, the media described Blingen’s position as a “new attack on China.”

“If America wants to fight, China will defend itself”, the text sums up.

  • China’s seat in the UN Security Council was occupied by Taiwan’s representative until 1971, when the Chinese nationalist government returned to Taiwan before the Communists’ victory on China’s mainland in the 1949 civil war.
  • In October 1971, General Assembly Resolution 2758 of the People’s Republic of China “The. The only legal representative From China to the United Nations “.
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