July 27, 2024

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Maduro: The revolution has ravaged the tribal people

Maduro: The revolution has ravaged the tribal people

To commemorate 529 years of indigenous resistance, President Nicolas Maduro marched on Miraflores this Tuesday to mark Martyrdom Day.

During the event, he greeted the country’s 37 tribes, who have consistently vigorously opposed their historic struggle, and promised that the Miraflores Palace belongs to the Venezuelan people and Native people. “Today we celebrate the struggle against colonialism and protect the dignity of our people,” he said.

“The revolution has enraged the people, and the Indian people in Venezuela are expressing their commitment to the motherland,” he said, adding that October 12 was celebrated on Columbus Day as a tribute to the murderers and genocides of the world and the murderers who came to break the peace of the Native Americans.

He stressed that a debate had been launched in Europe to recognize the genocide that colonialism claimed was the re-emergence of the fascist current to attack the humble people.

He asked the King of Spain to apologize to the United States for the genocide against our indigenous people. The barbaric state of colonialism.

He announced that Venezuela was proposing to the Latin American and Caribbean community (CELAC) to establish a factual commission establishing the historical truth of 300 years of European colonialism on American lands.

“The fact that the King of Spain is still celebrated on October 12 as the day of civilization is a crime across the United States, which is why the voice was raised that the King of Spain should apologize to the United States for the genocide in these lands.

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Similarly, he instructed Ernesto Villages, the famous power minister for culture, to set up a factual commission with historians to reconstruct the entire history of what colonialism was. “We must move forward with conscience and order before the new empires of the North,” Maduro said.

He called for strengthening the education, employment, land, productivity and literacy of tribal communities.