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Lula invites Maduro to Brazil summit

Lula invites Maduro to Brazil summit

They hope the meeting will allow them to discuss the possibility of “returning to a full South American integration mechanism.”

archive | It is a summit of leaders and invitees from South America

President Nicolás Maduro has been invited to participate in a summit of leaders convened by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Likewise, the President of Brazil invited the leaders of 11 countries namely Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The summit, scheduled for May 30, has as its main objective the “resumption of dialogue” between the countries of the region, which “have not met for many years,” explained Gisela Padovan, secretary of the Caribbean for Latin America and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Brazilian.

The Brazilian government expects the meeting to discuss the possibility of returning to a “fully South American integration mechanism” that is “permanent, inclusive and modern” and includes the region’s twelve countries, regardless of the color of their government.

Padovan stressed that it was “crucial” that the coordination mechanism was not “disintegrated”, marking a break with institutions promoted in recent decades, such as the “paralysed” organization the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). Argentina joined him again.

On the other hand, the relations between the South American giant and Venezuela are in a particularly new productive phase with the coming to power of Lula da Silva.

Recently, the Venezuelan Ambassador to Brazil, Manuel Waddell, presented his credentials to the Brazilian President.

President Maduro, for his part, said the presentation of Manuel Vedal’s credentials to President Lula was “a big step.” He opined that this fact “constitutes a new starting point for strengthening the unity between the two brotherly countries”.

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