July 27, 2024

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Kiko Bautista: The confusion is very clear

Kiko Bautista: The confusion is very clear

War Russia vs. The US is winning in Ukraine, the EU is losing and the Russians are neither one nor the other. Whether or not there is a cease-fire agreement, this clash of positions is expected to define dominance over markets in the long run by who develops artificial intelligence faster and better.

There is always one weapon that stands out in every battle. In this, the drones are the stars. In the future battlefields will be unmanned, but pure technology. Oil is not the deciding factor. Fossil fuels are being replaced by other options and this is gaining tremendous momentum. Electric cars will take over by 2030 55% of the global car market.

Imagine the future a little easier. Robotics will become the rule, unless artificial intelligence is controlled, something science fiction cinema has been predicting for a while. Algorithms can achieve Machines capable of self-determination.

Oil in drops

Venezuelan oil is not as essential to the Russia-Ukraine war as one might think. It was an opportunity to get out of the barriers, but it wasn’t to be. At the recent summit in Brussels, the group of presidents to discuss the Venezuelan issue agreed to meet again in November, and in 2024 the elections in our country will be very clean. It doesn’t matter if people eat or not.

A deal between Biden and Maduro is moving slowly. On the contrary, there seems to be no rush. Times change in politics, sometimes suddenly. In general, they surprise us with their variations and speed. Maduro has little left to gain resources and improve his numbers in the polls.

We have been engaged in election campaign for some time in our country. Starting in November, so will our northern neighbors. Hopefully, the Venezuela issue will be part of the conversation for candidates heading back to the White House. Whether that happens or not, Trump is likely to be banned by the same Democrats and Republicans using it to attack each other.

According to Bill Clinton, anti-communism was one of the most influential fears in American society. Another is racism. The Latino vote, though a minority, is particularly susceptible to both threats. States like Florida are key in the election. Cubans have developed an anti-Castro culture that serves as a platform for Latinos fleeing poverty to the United States.

Trump has recently announced that if he wins the election, he will make a deal with his friend Putin and immediately end the Russia-Ukraine war. Biden didn’t do badly with Zelensky. North American influence in Europe, both economically and politically, has strengthened it.

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Incredible provider

For the Venezuelan government, ending the sanctions and recovering the country’s assets abroad should be urgent. Shaking off the steady pressure of “Empire” will help him reach 2024 with better numbers. However, the prisoner-for-prisoner barter strategy has almost stalled. The release of Alex Chapp appears to be a tipping point for the Maduro administration.

The same is happening with humanitarian aid money agreed to in Mexico. AN approved legislation to protect overseas assets, and although the Biden administration authorized payments two days later, the real ones are nowhere to be found and are sorely needed.

Of course moving that money isn’t easy. There are some legal reasons and lack of political will for that to happen. The Brussels meeting indicates that the political game is breathing. Delci Rodríguez has made the position of the Venezuelan government more flexible and more positive regarding the possibility of the participation of the European Union in the 2024 elections.

His brother, Jorge Rodriguez, had closed them the previous week. G3 is said to be asking for 2 rectors parallel to the opposition in CNE. That would be the hidden reason behind the extension of candidates’ nominations these days.

Colombia in danger

The Russia-Ukraine war alone affects geopolitics. The situation in Colombia foreshadows a conflict that could overwhelm Venezuela. There are worrisome threats to Petro’s government. Strikes and protests everywhere. Conservatives, the so-called right, give clear signs every day that a train wreck is coming.

The political culture of our neighbors is more violent than ours. Not like the Liberator said, Columbia is the barracks. We are less violent in Venezuela. It can be seen that the economy in the neighboring country is sluggish. Political violence continues to cause casualties and increased insecurity.

Theory of conflict

Plato’s dialogues contained a concept of dialectics that was accepted by many thinkers. When any of us argue, there is always a but, an objection. Hegel described history as a perpetual conflict between peoples. Marx adapted these premises for class struggle and spoke from materialism. Under this logic, he predicted that the working class would defeat capitalism and communism would inevitably follow. A return of sorts to the tribal communism of the first societies where everything belonged to all.

But there is no such determination in social relations. Not everything is based on schema, where a proposition appears in its negation and a synthesis on the way, which is the basic schema of scientific thought. These digital times point to a new model of society that is difficult to predict. There are more “The Jetsons” than “The Flintstones.”

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Hundreds of cases indicate that issues can be resolved through negotiation and agreements instead of confrontation. John Magdaleno’s research, for example, says so.

Same again

Everything declares that Venezuela is going to clash again. The conflict will continue when it ends. The result of more than 23 years of war is a devastated country. You need to change your strategy and think more about people than power. We are competitors not enemies.

A continuation of Ms. Machado Carmona’s thesis: “Dictatorship does not emerge by votes.” Maduro has already given instructions to the FANB and PSUV to prepare for a new battle against those who want to oust him from power.

La Doña, La Guaira and Petare were not even allowed to breathe on their tours. The same thing happened to Capriles, who seemed set to be a constant in the campaign, meaning a terrible and unnecessary setback.

It makes perfect sense for Iron Lady to go all the way without giving up any space to her primary rivals. In an interview with the Colombian newspaper “Semana”, he made it very clear that his intention was to replace the G4 from the opposition leadership. Success or failure in 2024 is secondary.

In his design, he visualizes geopolitics and the economic crisis as moving in his favor. He wants to be active in the middle of the US campaign, building international attention and recognition for his leadership to take on Maduro in an arena other than the electoral arena.

He has said that he will change the negotiating commission if he wins the primary election. A few days ago there was a report that “Vente Venezuela” condemned the meeting with Delsey Rodriguez in Belgium. Kisses with Pedro Sánchez and he doesn’t like Macron getting “dictatorship”.

Its staging has a logic based on the discourse of “force” which equates to the lack of consistency and coherence of the leadership that has led the opposition all these years.

The G3 breathes

Extremism advances against emptiness. G3 is stuck in the primaries. The UN report that Manuel Rosales will not participate in the polls has turned the world upside down. Julia’s governor had written a tweet a few days ago, declaring that there was no point in going to polls for some mulch and middle-of-the-road.

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Rosales apparently has a plan. Your decision can kill or revive the G3. We don’t know if it was consulted with Capriles or Henry Ramos. If the goal is to support Prosperi or seek consensus around his name. The truth is that it further weakens an already wounded and battered primacy.

This eliminates Maria Corina’s chance of victory. He leaves her alone with her vibes. Somehow, this provides the reason why the Count of Quacharo decided to leave the primacy. If Henrique Capriles follows the same path and resigns due to disqualification, the disaster will be complete.

The elementary school’s parents kill Ms. Machado before they allow her to win, which would legitimize her as the new leader of the opposition. The G3 is showing signs of life.

All against all

TSJ does not need to answer to Louise Ratty under this image. If that happens it’s like a Sayapa. Kind of the opposite of Maria Corina. There is even talk of Cassel resigning from the CNP. Although this is only rumours, it describes a very hostile environment against the primaries.

But, the regression continues its course. Bernabe’s AD will have a candidacy contest. The party entered a dangerous internal routine. Luis Eduardo Martinez is going to deny the appointment of the man who faced Henry Ramos. The other candidate, Leomagno Flores, is due to announce his support for “Donkey” anytime soon.

Antonio Ecarri now has the support of Cambiemos and Avanzada Progresista. His position was among the people. On Thursday he performed an act in Marrakech with over 2,000 people, and on Monday he did another in Quariko, which promises to be even bigger.

A halving is on track for 2024. In July 2023, Guaidó ordered a referendum. Manuel Rosales scores in December. Then in March, Benjamin Rousseau took the lead. Today it’s Maria Corina Machado’s turn. In December, someone else will appear first until voting day. Resistance is conflict itself.

If the date is not changed as they say, the election is still a year and a half away. It is said to be with the first semester and governors next year. But the government needs money and time to restore its visitors, sectors D and E, now besieged by the Count of Guacharo. Despite his silence, Benjamin Rousseau continues to influence polls.

At this rate, the only certainty is that the confusion is clear.