July 27, 2024

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I am more concerned about the Nicaraguan elections being completely fake than the regional elections in Venezuela.

I am more concerned about the Nicaraguan elections being completely fake than the regional elections in Venezuela.
Photo: AFP

Elections in Nicaragua next Sunday are being assessed Joseph Borel “Completely fake.”

In a meeting with foreign media in Peru on Monday, his first visit to Latin America since taking office, the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy said he could not expect formal results from these elections.

Serious political crisis in Nicaragua

Borel pointed out that the situation in Central America is currently one of the most serious on the entire continent.

Given the seriousness of the Nicaraguan political crisis, he assured that this is a bigger concern than Europe. Local and regional elections are set to take place in Venezuela.

“Nicaragua worries me a lot, the elections are completely fake. Since Mr. Ortega was already in charge of imprisoning all the political opponents standing in the election, we are not going to send any election monitoring missions there. We cannot expect this process to give a proper result, but we can consider,” Borel said.

Nicaragua prison candidates

Borel was referring to Sunday’s presidential election in Nicaragua. It is considered illegal not only by the European Union but also by the United States. This is due to the arrest of up to 7 opposition candidates.

Nicaraguan presidential candidate Christiana Chamorro, who could defeat incumbent President Santinista Daniel Ortega, has been arrested on “treason” and money laundering charges.

Zamoro has been under house arrest since last June. He is ineligible to run in the election at the request of the public ministry led by former Sandinista guerrilla Anna Julia Guido.

In addition, pre-candidates Arturo Cruz, the former Nicaraguan ambassador to the United States, was expelled from the race due to regime-sponsored arrests and legal investigations. He was arrested on his way back to Washington.

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Similarly, Félix Maradiaga, Juan Sebastian Chamorro, journalist Miguel Mora, farmer leader Medardo Mairena and Noel Vidaurre will not be able to attend.

Borel in Peru

Borel came to Peru with the aim of strengthening both bilateral relations and regional cooperation.

In this regard, during his visit to the country, he will meet with President Pedro Castillo, Foreign Minister Oscar Mauro, Congress President Maria del Carmen Alva and representatives of civil society. .

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