July 27, 2024

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EU and Peru largely agree to support dialogue between Chavismo and the opposition

EU and Peru largely agree to support dialogue between Chavismo and the opposition
EFE / Mario Guzman

The EU and Peru agree to support a dialogue to find a “political solution” in Venezuela, which will pass through the country’s “next election results”, the EU foreign policy chief said. Joseph Borel.

The European politician, the top representative for the foreign policy of the Continental Bloc, referred to the Venezuelan crisis during a meeting with foreign media in the Peruvian capital as part of his first trip to Latin America since taking office in 2019.

Government and opposition talks

Borel was pleased with the support given by the government of President Pedro Castillo to the “dialogue process” initiated between Savismo and the opposition in Mexico, and the “positive understanding” provided by Lima. Electoral workHe officially said that the EU would send for Venezuela the next local and regional elections in which “all opposition parties will participate”.

The head of European foreign policy points to Peru’s new stance on the Venezuelan crisis, a country that has been one of the strongest defenders of the opposition Juan Quito in recent years.

In fact, Peru was a founding member of the Lima Group, made up of countries in the region that oppose Maduro, but it seems to have lost strength today.

Since Castillo took office as president in July, Peru has announced his resignation from the group, although he has not formally confirmed his departure.

After meeting with Peruvian Foreign Minister scar Maúrtua the previous day, Borrell stressed that both the EU and the Andean nation now support the dialogue process, “regardless of whether there are countries within the Lima group with different views.”

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The diplomat stressed that Peru had been invited to join the EU-led liaison committee and that countries such as Argentina, formerly members of the Lima group, were members.

“I did not say which team Peru should play in, but I was very interested to know if they support this negotiation process. I think it needs to be done,” Borel said.

Regional elections

Regarding the November 21 regional elections in Venezuela, Borel advocated sending a European observer mission whose purpose was nothing but to “create an environment in which elections can help to represent the views of the Venezuelan people.”

“If the opposition presents itself, it is agreed that there is someone to check the institutional quality of those elections. We are not going to support the opposition, we are not going to support anyone. We are only going to check how these elections are going,” he said.

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