July 27, 2024

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Hotel raid on Iranians staying in Argentina

Hotel raid on Iranians staying in Argentina
Iranian Hotels

The five Iranians who boarded the Venezuelan flight have been interrogated since early this morning at the Plaza Central Hotel and Judicial Center in Canning, where they are now staying in Ezeiza.

According to the LN + report, Federal Judge Federico Villana, who is in charge of the case, stayed with police forces from 1:30 a.m. to carry out the proceedings.

During the raid, 18 mobile phones, 7 notebooks, 5 iPads, 15 passports and other documents were seized. Agents are assisted in this event by a translator to achieve better communication with these individuals, he noted. Nation of Argentina.

In an extraordinary move to the hotel, which was filled to the brim with cars outside, the owner of the establishment said he had no further details on what was going on behind the doors, while the search and identification work continued.

This Monday, Villana decided that the passports of the five men would not be allowed to leave the country for 72 hours, and asked the Airport Security Police (PSA) to inform him if there was any movement. Occurs around Boeing 747.

Meanwhile, the first cargo plane has been at the international airport since last Monday, when the Iranians landed with 14 Venezuelans from Cர்டrdoba, where they landed due to bad weather previously marked by fog.

Inside, the plane was loaded with auto parts. Authorities approached its crew, initially, because of a problem with the flight manifesto: there were seven names associated with Iranian citizens, and in fact there were only five on board.

The case took a different turn when it became known that these people might be linked to the Quds force, which is classified as a terrorist by the United States. Opposition groups called for the beleagured PM to resign.

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According to Defense Minister Anibal Fernandez, one of the group’s names corresponds to that of an Iranian revolutionary guard.

“I do not know,” he said. Name fits. We have conclusive data on this, “said the national official.” So far it’s a name for a homonym.

For his part, the head of the Federal Intelligence Agency, Augustine Rossi, insisted that the Iranians were “trainers” who trained the flight crew of the Emtrasur cargo plane, the cargo division of the Venezuelan flag company Kanviasa. Mahan Air, an Iranian company, has been licensed by the United States for the past 15 years.

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