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Gabriel Borick congratulated Chile on election victory | News

Various governors and world leaders have extended their congratulations to Gabriel Borick, the candidate of the Abrew Dignity Coalition, who was elected as Chile’s new president for the period 2022-2026 this Sunday.

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Candidate Gabriel Borick has been elected the new president of Chile

According to the Electoral Service (Surveillance), 99.72 per cent of the total 46,887 votes were counted, while Borick received 4,608,362 votes, representing 55.86 per cent.

Jose Antonio Cast, who ran against him for the Christian Social Front coalition, recorded 3,641,819 votes, representing 44.14 percent.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Connell, 35, has congratulated Bori on his election victory as the youngest president of South America.

“We recognize the desire to expand bilateral relations and cooperation between the people and governments,” he said.

For his part, Argentine President Alberto Fernandez also spoke out for the victory of the war in the second election round.

“We must make a commitment to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood that unite our nations and to work with the region to put an end to inequality in Latin America,” he said.

Also, Argentina’s Vice President Cristina Fernandez extended her congratulations to the new Chilean President.

“As we said in the Plaza on Friday the 10th: ‘People are always coming back and looking for ways to do that. It may be a party, it may be one leader today and another leader tomorrow, but people will always come back. Chile, “he wrote on his Twitter account.

Similarly, Venezuelan Administrator Nicolas Maduro congratulated the Abrew Dignity Coalition and the candidate who won the election.

“I adore the people of Salvador Allende and Victor Zara for their resounding victory over fascism,” he said.

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Sacha Lorendi, Executive Secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the People of America – ALBA-TCP – Congratulations on the election victory in Chile.

“We salute the historic Democrat who was the hero of the Chilean people,” he commented.

British politician Jeremy Corbyn has shared a message today expressing his support for the war after the election.

“Congratulations to Gabriel Bori on his election as Socialist President of Chile! Victory for hope and change. The united people will never be defeated!

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, along with Vice President Rosario Murillo, released a statement addressing Chile’s new president.

“We respect and rejoice in the historic victory of President Salvador Allende, who was inspired by the current tradition of many heroes and martyrs of that great nation and achieved with the brave Chilean people,” the text notes. .

I wish your government and all the people of Chile “progress in some hope, the proposed changes and the creation of justice and peace”.

Eliza Longon, president of the Chilean Constitutional Conference, said she had already been in contact with the elected president. I congratulated him and invited him to the Constituent Assembly.

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Bolivian President Louis Ars said the election victory in Boriko belonged to the Chilean people and congratulated them on their achievement in voting.

“Latin American democracy is strengthened on the basis of unity, respect and, above all, the will of our people,” he said.

Another message was sent by Bolivian Vice President David Chokhuangha, who reaffirmed that “the victory of Brother Gabriel Borik is the victory of democracy, unity, brotherhood and respect for our people.”

Mexico’s Foreign Minister Marcelo Abbott has called for what is happening in South America to be seen as “good news.”

In turn, Peruvian executive Pedro Castillo sent a congratulatory message to the new president of Chile.

“Your victory is to be shared by the Chilean people and the Latin American people who want to live in freedom, peace, justice and dignity!”

Former Ecuadorian presidents Rafael Correa and Bolivia’s Evo Morales also used social media to congratulate Borik on his election victory.

“Gabriel Borick, Chile’s new President! Long live Chile! Long live the Great Homeland! Until victory forever!” Korea pointed out; Morales celebrated the democratic career of the people of that South American nation.

Similarly, former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva also extended his congratulations on the war.

“I congratulate Comrade Gabriel Borike on his election as President of Chile.

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The Puebla Group issued a statement celebrating the victory of the war and affirmed that “the government’s visit confirms the progressive trend the region is experiencing and expresses the need for a new model of economic development, and support and democracy.”

“The victory of the war also opens up new political seats for the accent of progressive forces in next year’s elections in Brazil and Colombia,” the text added.

Colombian Executive Ivan Duque sent a message to the war, “expressing our interest in continuing to work together to strengthen the historical and fraternal bilateral relationship that unites us. We are fraternal nations.”

The presidents of Uruguay, Louis Lagalle and Nieto Cardiso of Panama congratulated the future Chilean president and sent “brotherly” greetings to the people of that South American nation.

The European Union (EU), through its High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Joseph Borrell, has congratulated Borik on his election as Chile’s future president.

“We hope to further strengthen our relationship with the future Chilean government. We are partners and together we are strong,” the European Commonwealth diplomat said on his Twitter account.

More than 15 million Chileans were invited to take part in the second round of elections on December 19, with more than 50 percent voting and being one of the largest participants in the country in this type of election.