July 27, 2024

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Former Vice President George Claus was transferred to Guayaquil prison

Former Vice President George Claus was transferred to Guayaquil prison

Rafael Correa said the former officer was beaten and could not walk.

The National Service for Comprehensive Attention for Adults Deprived of Liberty and Juvenile Delinquents announced in its official channels that the former Vice President of Ecuador, known as Jorge Claus La Roca, has been transferred to Guayas N°3 Deprivation of Liberty Center (CPL). A prison located in Guayaquil is considered maximum security.

A medical evaluation will be done at the center and he will be placed as per the classification criteria, the statement said.

Earlier, it was reported that Glass was transferred in an armored vehicle of the armed forces from the headquarters of Flagstaff Division to the jail in the early hours of Saturday.

Meanwhile, Ecuador's former president, Rafael Correa, has condemned the physical assault by agents of the Ecuadorian National Police on the detention of Klaus during the attack on the Mexican embassy in Quito.

Additionally, he shared a video in which Glass can be seen boarding a small plane surrounded by uniformed officers. “They're taking George Glass to Guayaquil. “The deployment of this criminal government is impressive!” Correa said on his X account.

“George is struggling to walk because of his injuries. This is crazy. No matter how arrogant Noboa is, it is foolish to believe that he will go unpunished,” he added.

Klaus, 54, who was Ecuador's vice president between May 2013 and January 2018 – when Rafael Correa and Lenin Moreno were presidents – had been at the embassy since December 17, 2023, when he requested entry and protection. for his safety and personal liberty,” was confirmed by the Mexican government at the time.

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It should be noted that during the attack, Roberto Conseco, Acting Envoy and Head of Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Political Affairs of the Mexican Embassy in Quito, was pushed to the ground by the agents.

“They beat me to the ground, I physically tried to stop them from entering, like criminals, they ransacked the Mexican embassy in Ecuador, which was impossible,” Canseco said.

In this context, the government of Mexico announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Ecuador, condemning the “blatant violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the injuries caused to Mexican diplomatic personnel in Ecuador.”

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