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Biden vows not to maintain offensive weapons in Ukraine and Putin demands that talks not turn into small talk

Biden vows not to maintain offensive weapons in Ukraine and Putin demands that talks not turn into small talk


30 dic 2021 22:46 GMT

During the telephone conversation, Vladimir Putin told Joe Biden that Russia would guarantee its security just as the United States was acting.

The Phone conversation Hosted by Russian and US Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden on Thursday, “fully committed to the issues of security guarantees” and It was productive, Said Yuri Ushakov, adviser to the Russian president, during a news conference.

In particular, the official emphasized that “the key point made by the US side during this conversation was that President Biden had made it clear that the United States had no intention of maintaining offensive weapons in Ukraine.”

“It is important that President Biden repeatedly stressed during the conversation that you can not start a nuclear war, you can not win it,” Ushakov said. The adviser added: “Russia and the United States can and should play a key role in ensuring peace and security in Europe and the rest of the world.

Similarly, Ushakov pointed out that Putin told Pita Russia will act in the same way as the United States to ensure its own security.

“Putin said he would give more importance to these talks, but they should not be distorted into irrelevant talks. So, first of all, we are not waiting for the negotiation process, but Conclusive results According to our concern, ExposedEspecially on paper, ”Ushakov stressed.

Barriers can lead to “complete severance of relationships”

According to the adviser, during the US presidential call, Western nations would respond to further escalation of the Ukrainian border with “massive sanctions” against Russia. In such a case, his Russian envoy responded that bilateral relations between Moscow and the West would be “severely damaged.”

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“However, if the West decides to introduce these unprecedented sanctions under certain conditions, all this will lead to the complete breakdown of relations between our countries,” Putin was quoted as saying by Putin.

The day before, Alexei Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Security Council of Ukraine, Reported The company did not expect Russia to invade the country.

The second contact of the presidents in a month

This is the second virtual meeting between Putin and Biden so far this month. The Front, Which lasted two hours on December 7 and was mainly devoted to security issues such as the situation in Ukraine, Russia’s concerns over the expansion of NATO and Iran’s nuclear program.

Relations between the White House and the Kremlin will continue after the New Year. Already in January, the two countries will hold talks in Geneva (Switzerland). Both presidents agreed that they would personally control the process.

In a comment to RT, Arturo Lopez-Levy, a professor of political and international relations at Holy Names University in the United States, pointed out that the two countries can handle differently which weapons are offensive and defensive. In the end, in the eyes of anyone who looks at it, the expert considers.