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Biden announces further sanctions: Restrict Russia’s ability to trade in dollars, euros and pounds to isolate it from the world economy

Biden announces further sanctions: Restrict Russia’s ability to trade in dollars, euros and pounds to isolate it from the world economy


February 24, 2022 18:43 GMT

A few hours ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the purpose of the move was to “protect the people who have been abused and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years.”

US President Joe Biden on Thursday briefed Russia on the military action taken to protect Donbass. At the beginning of his speech, the US President accused his Russian envoy, Vladimir Putin, of being an “aggressor” and stressed: “We have been transparent with the world, sharing classified evidence of Russia’s plans, cyber attacks and false excuses.”

“Today I recognize Additional severe penalties, And new limits on exports to Russia, “Trump said. Now he and his country are going to suffer the consequences, “he reiterated, adding that US sanctions” will destroy his space industry, including his space program.

In particular, Biden announced sanctions against many Banks, With valuable assets a Billion dollarsIncluding VTB, With assets of $ 250 billion.
Every property they have will be frozen, ”he stressed.

Similarly, the President pointed out that co-operation has been achieved with the leaders of the United Kingdom, the European Union and Japan. “I spoke to the G7 leaders this morning and we are in complete and complete agreement. We will control Russia’s ability to trade in dollars, euros, pounds and yenShould be a part of the world economy, “he said.

Another target of US sanctions Russian government agencies, Access to the credit market will be blocked. In addition, Washington will control half Technology ImportAs well as the trade of certain goods, to prevent the modernization of Russian industry.

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In addition, Biden announced New deployment of ground and air forces in the eastern part of NATO, He reiterated that US troops will not be involved in direct conflict in Ukraine. “Our forces did not and will not take part in the conflict,” he said. “Our forces are not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine, but to protect our NATO allies and to reassure those allies in the East,” he stressed.

Early on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he had decided to launch a “special military operation” to protect Donbass. In a special message to Russian citizens, the president explained that the purpose of the operation was to “protect people who have been abused and genocide for eight years by the Kiev regime.”

After a while, Biden Qualified It maintained that the operation was “an unprovoked and unjust attack on Ukraine” and that “Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction caused by this attack.”

For his part, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, Advertising A set of “biggest and toughest” sanctions Russia has ever seen. The measures include freezing the assets of all major Russian banks, including VTB, one of Russia’s major global banks, the largest in terms of authorized capital, as well as banning operations in the United Kingdom. Aeroflot, the flag carrier of Russia.

More info, coming soon.

In our update you can follow the development of Russian action to protect Donbass Minute by minute.