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Alberto Fernandez will be Venezuela’s voice at the US Summit

Alberto Fernandez will be Venezuela’s voice at the US Summit
Mature slave practices — an arias
Photo: EFE / Rayner Peña

Nicolas Maduro said in a radio interview this Saturday that Venezuela and other excluded countries would be represented. Summit of the United States Through the “voice” of the Argentine president, Albert Fernandez.

Maduro thanked the show International ConversationHosted by Atilio Boron on Avellaneda National University Radio (Eat) “Unity” of Fernandes, of Argentina. I promise he would be “very good” to bring the voices of countries he is not to to the conference in Los Angeles from June 6 to 10.

“I think it is very good that he is bringing the voice of Latin America and the Caribbean to the meeting of the United States. We are going to respond well to the voice of President Alberto Fernandez,” said the Venezuelan president.

The White House excludes Venezuela from the list of countries invited to the summit, along with Nicaragua. This is because they consider themselves to be ruling outside democracy, while at the same time setting themselves apart amid doubts created by the United States as to whether Cuba has an island of its own.

Maduro talks about the US Summit

Maduro recently promised that Venezuela’s voice would be “whatever the host says” at the US conference, in line with the decision of Joe Biden’s government.

“No matter what they do in Washington, the voice of Venezuela, the voice of Cuba, the voice of Nicaragua, our voice will be in that room in the great opposition of the people reaching Los Angeles. We will be with you, ”the president said in Caracas on May 24.

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Maduro blamed the US administration’s “fears for the exclusion of these countries,” Boron said in an interview with Los Angeles.

In a recent appearance on state channel Venezuela de Television, he said he had his “tricks” ahead of the conference and would not divulge “secrecy”, but insisted his government would be in Los Angeles.

“We have our tricks. I’m not going to reveal any secrets, but what we are, we will be.” Maduro made the remarks while insisting that there would be “surprises”.

Today, during a radio interview, he revealed that Fernandez will be in charge of representing the country. However, he did not say whether there was any other representation for Venezuela.

Maduro recalled that “more than 25 governments” had protested against the attempt to exclude themselves, and promised that the meeting would become a summit of opposition to imperialist quotas.

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