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Zhelensky: “To really help Ukraine, there is no need to continue talking about alleged invasion dates.”

Zhelensky: “To really help Ukraine, there is no need to continue talking about alleged invasion dates.”


19 Feb 2022 15:03 GMT

The head of state said Ukraine had begun consultations within the framework of the Budapest Memorandum on Security Guarantees.

Ukraine “I will not kneel“Ukraine’s President Vladimir Zhelensky announced on Saturday in the framework of the Munich Security Conference in Germany that he believes it is the West’s contribution to Europe’s security, in support of its allies.

“Ukraine wants peace,” Zhelensky insisted. “The world says it does not want war and Russia does not want to attack. Someone is lying,” Trump said, adding that the global security structure is weak and will require reform. “It’s time to build A new security system In Europe, before the outbreak of World War III, millions of people were affected, “he said.

The head of state pointed out that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not know “what to do”, so he offered to hold a meeting. Similarly, Zelensky described reports of recent explosions in the Russian region of Rostov as “blatant lies” and “cynicism.”

He also stressed the possibility of reuniting Donbass and Crimea in Ukraine. Quiet instructions.

Moreover, the Ukrainian president pointed out that “there is no need to continue talking about alleged invasion dates to really help Ukraine” and that the Ukrainians will one day defend their homeland. “Other dates are very important to us,” he said, referring to Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the European Union.

Joining NATO and the European Union

Commenting on Ukraine’s problems with joining the EU, Zhelensky stressed that “eight years ago, the Ukrainians made their decision and many gave their lives for it.” “After eight years, should Ukraine continue to ask for recognition of the European perspective?” Asked the President.

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Similarly, the President reiterated that he must have a security guarantee unless his country is part of NATO. For years the Atlantic Coalition has ensured that the “doors are open” for his country, but “for now, outsiders are not allowed in,” Zhelensky denounced. “If all Coalition members do not want to see us or if all Coalition members do not want to see us, Tell the truth“, He said.

Beginning of speeches by participants in the Budapest Memorandum

Speaking on the issue of security, the head of state Reported That started Ukraine Consultations under the Budapest Memorandum on Security Guarantees. “This is the first time I, as president, have initiated consultations within the framework of the Budapest Memorandum,” he stressed.

He added that “Ukraine has every right to assume that the Budapest Memorandum will not work” if calls to Kiev are “not carried out or lead to firm conclusions on security guarantees”.

Assistance from Western countries

“Do you want to help us? There are many examples. […] Strengthen our economyPlease: Invest in our state, create your own companies, “Zhelensky stressed,” they want to live and protect their state. “

He wondered “why Western countries say that a series of reforms must be made when allocating a certain amount to Ukraine.” “Is there any other country in the world that is waging war and reforming the East?” He questioned.

In this context, the Ukrainian leader thanked the US intelligence services but insisted that he trusted his country’s intelligence. “I trust my intelligence, I trust the Ukrainians in our territory and I understand what is happening on the border,” he reiterated.

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