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Zelensky wants to provoke a confrontation between Russia and NATO

Zelensky wants to provoke a confrontation between Russia and NATO
Cheeky Lavrov accused Zhelensky
Seguéi Lavrov confirmed this Saturday that Ukrainian President Volodímir Zelenski was not interested in the talks / Photo ABC

Russian Foreign Minister Sekuy Lavrov, President of Ukraine, confirmed this Saturday. Volodymyr Zhelensky, Not interested in negotiations. And he wants to provoke a confrontation between Russia and NATO.

“If he (Zhelensky) feels too bad that NATO is not defending itself, he hopes to resolve the conflict by including NATO in this story, not through negotiations,” Lavrov told a news conference at the end of the meeting. Talks to Ruslan Kazakhbayev from his Kyrgyzstan.

The head of Russian diplomacy pointed out that the Ukrainian president had not listened to reports from Washington, Paris, Berlin and other European capitals that he did not want to interfere in the NATO conflict.

“What he (Zhelensky) is trying to do will turn out to be a conflict between NATO and Russia with NATO participation,” he stressed.

Regarding Zhelensky’s comments

Larvrov pointed out that after two Russian-Ukrainian talks in Belarus this week on Monday and Thursday, Zelenski’s “consistent and disgusting statements” did not add to the optimism about a new round of Russian-Ukrainian talks.

The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also noted Saturday the NATO appeal to the Ukrainian president. This Friday Zelensky criticized the Atlantic Alliance for its decision not to impose a no-fly zone in Ukraine and for not taking action to protect the country’s people.

“In this case, we are looking at countries NATO They are fully aware that it is impossible for members of the coalition to be directly involved in what is happening around Ukraine, “he told a news conference.

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