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What is a dog on Twitter?

What is a dog on Twitter?

Doge is gaining momentum again as Elon Musk acquires the microblogging network and is an image at the start of the platform.

Courtesy | Dogecoin: Elon Musk’s New Trick Raised Cryptocurrency’s Value Up to 30% Meme

More than 200 million users Twitter They initially saw a new image, a dog known in Japan since 2010, but popular until 2013, when its image was used for the Dogecoin cryptocurrency.

Now, ten years later, Doge is regaining strength as he was in the beginning TwitterA microblogging network bought by billionaire Elon Musk.

By clicking on the picture, its only function is to start the account, so it doesn’t matter if you click on the house or the doge.

Musk posted a tweet in which he showed off a cover showing that the network’s new image would be Doge and not the blue bird that has been seen for years.

Earlier, the billionaire later posted a tweet mentioning the transformation to show a picture of a dog.

So far, there has been talk of a makeover Twitter, but it’s important to know that this is the symbol of a cryptoactive that Musk has openly supported; In fact, depending on Elon’s opinion, the cryptocurrency has gone down or up at times, so much so that he’s been manipulating the market with frequent tweets.

The president’s fascination with Dogecoin is reflected in his companies, which is why Tesla, its main vehicle development, accepts Doge as a means of payment.

Who is Kaposu?

This Shiba Inu has been listed as the most entertaining and popular meme of the 2010s. And the one who introduced him was a Japanese professor who took a picture of him to tell his story, but in one picture there was a certain face. The dog was looking suspiciously.

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But in 2013, engineers Billy Marcus and Jackson Palmer decided to apply that image to the Dogecoin cryptocurrency, which is used in the world to transact on a bitcoin scale.

Doge’s popularity has skyrocketed, in fact he has appeared in ad campaigns for NASCAR, Delta Air Lines, and the Google Easter Egg.

Twitter is valued at less than half of what Elon paid

Elon Musk is currently assessing the value of the social platform Twitter 20,000 million dollars, compared to 44,000 five months ago when the social network was acquired by the controversial tycoon, according to an internal document consulted by various US media outlets.

An internal letter to employees related to profit-sharing and stock allocation within the San Francisco-based group at X Holdings, the company that has overseen Twitter since its acquisition in late October.

The equity offering values ​​the platform at $20 billion, close to the capitalization of other companies such as Snap ($18.2 billion), Snapchat’s parent company, or social network and creative image portal Pinterest ($18.7 billion).

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