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Venezuelans in Florida are outraged by anti-immigration bills

Venezuelans in Florida are outraged by anti-immigration bills
Venezuelan people in Florida
Photo: Archive

Leaders of Venezuelan organizations in Florida have called for a vote against immigration law initiatives to be debated in the state Senate this Wednesday, describing it as a “direct attack on Venezuelan society” in the state.

Bills SB 1808 and HB 1355 point to a “direct attack on the Venezuelan community in Florida” in a letter to Florida Senate President Wilton Simpson and the state governor. , Ron DesantisThe approval of these legislative actions is a priority.

The signatories to the letter, including Maria Corina Vegas, co-ordinator of the U.S. Business Immigration Coalition, say many Venezuelans in Florida have delayed their work permits at government immigration offices through the Temporary Protection Status (DPS). .

The Venezuelan people were outraged

“As it is written, this law will define us as ‘unauthorized aliens’ because our work permit applications are delayed for reasons beyond our control,” the signatories of the letters to Senator Aaron Bean (SB), the authors of the projects, said. 1808) and Representative John Snyder (HB 1355).

“All these people want, our family, our neighbors, can work to support their families. This bill instills uncertainty and uncertainty in their long-term plans,” they added in a speech to Senator Kathleen Pacitomo and State House President Chris Sprolles.

The signatories, including William Diaz, founder of Gaza de Venezuela Orlando, emphasize that the Venezuelan people are “an important and growing part of Florida’s communities and economy.” As well as the “proud tradition of immigrants” transforming the state into an “economic power.”

Political reasons

“This bill was created for political reasons. We have seen so many times in the United States and now in Europe, that powerful men are engaging in intimidation and political drama, hurting innocent children, workers and families. “

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“It’s wrong in Ukraine, it’s wrong in Venezuela, it’s wrong in Florida,” they said.

The bills in question, among other things, intensify actions against undocumented immigrant “sanctuary cities”.

They are also blocking contracts with state-owned companies, as ordered by the administration of US President Joe Biden. Undocumented traffic To Florida.

In February, business, religious and civil rights leaders demanded that Desandis stop using “immigrant minors” as a “political weapon.”

They also demanded the suspension of the order to close shelters for undocumented children coming to the country without parents.

They include Thomas Wensky, the Catholic Archbishop of Miami. As well as businessman Mike Fernandez, a member of the American Business Immigration Coalition campaign and a former and important contributor to the political campaigns of conservative candidates.

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