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Venezuelans can now seek asylum in the United States with a CBP One application


Caracas. whatVenezuela without a visa to do Enter the United States? Without eligibility requirements Humanitarian parole? in search Asylum in America? Take note! The mobile app is already working CPP is one to do schedule appointment, Show at border with Mexico And state your case.

It is a New way For people who want Enter the United StatesYes They show that they can be excluded of Title 42The US government has denied immigration under the Public Health Act Right to seek asylum From March 2020 onwards.

Entering the United States: These Venezuelans are excluded from the new immigration process

To the people of Venezuela, the Joe Biden government Restricted the right to seek asylum On October 12, 2022, when Mexico agreed to a series of border control measures with the government permit or Parole Humanity For specific people.

Then, on January 5th, President Biden announced the launch A new online method of entry into the United States2022 when Nicaraguans, Cubans, and Haitians were included in the humanitarian permit program established for Venezuelans in October.

Henceforth, all Immigrants from VenezuelaNicaragua, Cuba, and Haiti, without the necessary documents to enter the U.S. through regular channels, must compete in either. 30,000 per month allowed Under the same restrictions: must A sponsor and pass a background check along with other requirements.

A CBP stay here for entry into the United States

The New system of Online dating cbp one For immigrants seeking to obtain a Title 42 is an exception Without middlemen, it’s here to stay. In other words, it will be one of the ways to enter the United States, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced in a statement.

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“When Title 42 is in place, they will have to Prove that they have a vulnerability Or some other case will remain the same Exemption from Title 42. But once Title 42 was raisedThis new system will help people who want to come to the border and perhaps, Ask for asylumRegister and cross in an orderly and regular manner,” said Blas Nunez-Neto, acting assistant secretary for border policy and immigration at the Department of Homeland Security.

What is CBP One?

CPP is one is a Mobile application Effective January 12, 2020, the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) A new application: Serves the diaspora Ask for a date This allows them to appear at any entrance border with Mexico Y Apply to enter the United States.

The CBP One app is available without cost On the Apple App Store or Google Play. “The use of CBP One is expected Reduce waiting time Help ensure safe and orderly processing,” DHS said in a statement.

Who can use CBP One?

The Department of Homeland Security followed suit CBP One Mobile App Open at People of any nation“As long as they are Central or northern Mexico«.

These people must demonstrate that they are compliant Vulnerability criteria should be Excluded from Title 42It sets Immediate deportation to Mexico Illegal entrants into the United States.

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What options do Venezuelans have for entering the US without being detained?

The A lawyer specializing in immigration law, Juan Antonio Lozada a Title 42 is an exception Vulnerable people Elderly people with medical conditionsThose traveling with family and Women traveling alone with their childrenFor example.

Customs and Border Protection are other vulnerable criteria that approve your entry into the United States If you have a disabilityIf people have threatened or harassed you while in Mexico, or if you are a pregnant woman.

Every Family members want Schedule appointment By application CPP is oneLozada clarified during an Instagram Live.

What are the ports of entry for appointment scheduling?

The Ports of entry Land is available on the US-Mexico border Schedule appointment There are eight:

In Arizona: Walnuts;

In Texas: Brownsville, Eagle Pass, Hidalgo, Laredo and According to;

In California: Calexico and San Ysidro.

When are CBP One appointments available?

The Department of Homeland Security was launched New CBP One feature on January 12, but it has been mentioned that it will be available Schedule appointments starting January 18. He added that Daily at 9:00 AM Eastern Time in the United States New appointments available For the next 14 days.

How does CBP One work?

First, people need to download The free CBP One app Access on your smart device or website CPP is one. Later on Register and create a user With email and password.

Through a series of questions, CPP is one Guide users to provide A photograph And send information in advance: Names, surnames, date and city of birth, Nationality and Country of Residence.

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They will later Select the date, time and field of entry for the appointment with CBP. The appointment data will arrive on the email they provided.

What happens on arrival at the port of entry for the rendezvous?

Once you arrive at the port of entry, you choose to keep your appointment A picture will be taken To confirm the information provided in advance in the application CPP is one. DHS pointed out that this would “facilitate the process at the port of entry.”

Be prepared. There you are Prove that you deserve protection Enter a North American country. Otherwise, you a Removal from the United States or attempts to enter illegally will result in immediate deportation. “A scheduled appointment with CBP One is not an exceptional guarantee of a Title 42 order,” DHS warns in the statement.

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