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The World Medical Association has warned that the new Omigron variant is “as dangerous as Ebola”

The World Medical Association has warned that the new Omigron variant is “as dangerous as Ebola”


27 November 2021 13:04 GMT

New infections can lead to new strains of SARS-CoV-2 and become more pathogenic and harmful, so the head of the organization says everything should be done to reduce the incidence rate.

Frank Montgomery, Council President of the World Medical Association (WMA), spoke on the new variant of SARS-CoV-2. Call Ómicron and first reported to the World Health Organization on November 24 from South Africa.

In the midst of the epidemic, the international community It is a mistake to think that the herd can achieve immunity, And he only learned when the most contagious delta variant arrived, Montgomery noted in an. Interview With the German media. Now “we know We need to continue vaccinating for the next few years“, He insisted.

The increase in infections promotes the development of new strains and is pathogenic and harmful, therefore, everything should be done to reduce the incidence rate, the doctor explained. “We should not give the virus a chance to change”Added.

“We do not yet know exactly how dangerous this is, but it seems so [Ómicron] It is spreading fast. My biggest concern is that this may be a variation Infections like delta and dangerous like Ebola“, The manager warns.

The chairman of the WMA Council was also concerned about the situation in his home country, noting that Germans should restrict social contact to avoid crowds before the Christmas holidays, by closing traditional markets for the season and banning mass celebrations.

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In the Middle Ages, the doctor declared that only the vaccine could help fight the condition and spoke in support of making the vaccine mandatory against Govt-19. If people are unaware of their social responsibility or do not want to accept it, they need to be reminded more strongly. With mandatory general vaccination […] Montgomery said all restrictions could be lifted and people would return to normal life.

“The booster dose boosts the immune system, but we still do not know exactly how long it will last. Maybe we need to Vaccinate again every year“The doctor recommended.